at sure as God made little (green) apples under sure as..., phr.
at axe, n.
at BB stacker, n.
at no beads, phr.
at betty coed, n.
at big-shot, adv.
at bitchin!, excl.
at bitching, adj.
at on the blink (adj.) under blink, n.1
at go around the block (v.) under block, n.8
at blockhead, n.1
at boomer, n.4
at bromide, n.
at Cal, n.
at classic, adj.
at cool in (v.) under cool, v.2
at crazy, adj.
at creamy, adj.
at doll, n.1
at Endsville, n.
at gob, n.3
at goofy, adj.
at gook, n.4
at gooky, adj.
at grouchy, adj.
at -head, sfx
at hots, the, n.
at keeno, adj.
at I kid you not under kid, v.
at you know what, n.
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