1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 3: I know as sure as God made daisies that it spells ‘Larry and I’ or just plain ‘Larry’.at sure as God made little (green) apples under sure as..., phr.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 9: ‘The ax,’ I said. ‘I gave him the ax, Dad. Finished.’ [Ibid.] 42: That’s the way the cookie crumbles, baby. You thought you were giving him the ax, but it turned out the other way around.at axe, n.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 22: ‘Boy – she’s my type,’ said Wally. ‘A real B.B stacker.’ That irked me. It was so typical. Those surfing jocks just refuse to give me female status. When they see a talent like Abby their glands go berserk. It never occurs to them that I am a woman, charged with the same emotions and desires that would put a Monroe to shame. I’m just the Gidget.at BB stacker, n.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 22: ‘You really want to try those shoots? Twenty feet high, I hear. You’ll be dying there, for God’s sake.’ ‘No beads,’ I told him. ‘I can take care of myself.’.at no beads, phr.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 109: She acted so superior. So snooty. So big-shot.at big-shot, adv.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 22: ‘And I’m going to Hawaii,’ said Wally. ‘Bitchen!’.at bitchin!, excl.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 22: All I want is to get into that bitchen Makaha surf.at bitching, adj.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 50: What I had interpreted as a love light had merely been a gasser on the blink.at on the blink (adj.) under blink, n.1
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 109: Your daughter, Professor, has been around the block – not once – but many times.at go around the block (v.) under block, n.8
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 50: Then the first real boomers came on and we turned our boards.at boomer, n.4
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 43: She already gave me that bromide – and it didn’t fizzle.at bromide, n.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 6: It was one of those Southern Cal days for which only one word seems adequate for [...] let’s just say it was all time.at Cal, n.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 48: They looked real classic in the physical department.at classic, adj.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 3: ‘Cool me in, young lady,’ he said quite sarcastically. ‘Cool me in.’ I hate it when he uses the lingo.at cool in (v.) under cool, v.2
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 15: He’s just about the craziest in folk songs [...] He’s real big time.at crazy, adj.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 30: As we drove up to the main building, out stepped this manager doll.at doll, n.1
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 18: It’s grim enough if you yourself feel like Endsville.at Endsville, n.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 48: I [...] gorged myself on a king-size Hawaiian breakfast complete with papaya and gobs of Puma jam.at gob, n.3
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 2: It bugs me no end that he can’t understand what a real sterling group the Go-Heads of Malibu are.at -head, sfx
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 4: What I do believe is that he’s got the hots for me.at hots, the, n.
1961 F. Kohner Gidget Goes Hawaiian 48: He looked like the cleanest guy going and his physique was keeno.at keeno, adj.