1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk II 105: Such another Asse as I, was there neuer.at ass, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 15: A good old beldame, a reuerent Matron forsooth, an honest Bawd, one of my charitable Aunts.at aunt, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt II Bk III 243: Less harme it were a great deale, that a few, and those baggage-people, should not be rich.at baggage, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 63: They are [...] of a rascall kind of race; very Varlets, Buckle-bosomes, Collar-catchers: in a word they are Sergents and Catch-poles.at buckle bosom (n.) under buckle, v.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk II 112: I began [...] exercising all your Cony-catching trickes, knavish prankes, fine feates with sleight of hand.at cony-catching, adj.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 63: They are [...] of a rascall kind of race; very Varlets, Buckle-bosomes, Collar-catchers: in a word they are Sergents and Catch-poles.at collar, v.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk II 112: I fell in with other Tassel-gentles, much about my size and pitch, that were high Flyers, and cunning in the catching of their prey.at high-flyer, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman (1967) IV 136: Many men would deale more honestly [...] if these fobs and giggs were not put into their heads by others.at fob, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt II Bk II 109: Some fresh-water-Souldiers, that were but Novices and yong Travellers.at freshwater soldier (n.) under freshwater, adj.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt II Bk II 107: Not having (white-Liverd Whore-sonne, as I was) the courage.at white-livered, adj.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt II Bk I 7: Euen my Lady Ninny-hammer would that I should onely write for her pleasure.at Miss, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 30: Now a pockes of all ill lucke: pardon me [...] for I sweare unto you.at pox on —! (excl.) under pox, n.1
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 240: Master Nicholao hath rods in pisse for you [...] and methinks that he is and is plotting, how he may be reuenged of thee.at rod in piss (n.) under rod, n.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt II Bk III 342: A good Ropes end, (which your Sea-faring men call a salt Eele) gaue euery one of them fifty sound blows.at salt eel (n.) under salt, n.3
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt II Bk II 107: I was forced to buckle up my selfe, and bestirre my stumps.at stir one’s stumps (v.) under stir, v.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 7: I would willingly indure thy taunts [...] though my owne father should stretch for it, and giue the Gallowes it’s first handsell.at stretch, v.
1622 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman Pt I Bk I 47: We had also fresh Sallad [...] but for such washie Tripes as mine then were, I held it no good meate.at tripe, n.1
1623 J. Mabbe (trans.) Life of Guzman I 85: That phrase which we use to little children, when we tell them they were borne in their mothers Parsly-bed.at parsley bed, n.