1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 25: ‘You little so-and-so!’ said Liza, somewhat inelegantly, making a dash at him.at so-and-so, n.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 97: When she comes in ’e start bangin’ ’er abaht.at bang, v.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 77: Yer don’t think I’d ’ave come aht beanfeastin’ with yer if I ’adn’t liked yer?at beanfeast (n.) under bean, n.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 68: You bet your boots there won’t be no one there.at bet one’s boots (v.) under bet, v.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 3: ‘Good biz; ’ere’s an organ!’ cried half a dozen people.at good biz! (excl.) under biz, n.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 75: Well, I am busted! [Ibid.] 76 : Garn! You are a bloomin’ cuckoo, I’m blowed!at I’ll be blowed! (excl.) under blowed, adj.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 15: I’ll make yer a good ’usband, Liza, swop me bob, I will. [Ibid.] 103: If she dares ter touch a ’air of your ’ead, swop me dicky I’ll give ’er sich a ’idin’ as she never ’ad before!at s’elp me bob!, excl.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 58: She was on the booze yesterday, an’ she ain’t got over it.at on the booze under booze, n.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 45: ‘Puddin’ fice!’ she cried. ‘Kite fice!’ ‘Boss eye!’.at boss-eye, n.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 120: ’Ave a little drop more, Liza [...] it do buck yer up.at buck up, v.2
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 7: You buck up; give us a tune that’s got some guts in it!at buck up, v.2
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 4: Come on Florrie, you and me ain’t shy; we’ll begin, and bust it. The two girls took hold of one another [...] and they began to waltz.at bust, v.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 27: Bust it, I don’t go on the spree every day!at bust it! (excl.) under bust, v.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 17: Wot with the work I ’ave ter to do lookin’ after you [...] and goin’ aht charring besides.at char, v.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 22: My royal ’ighness ’as got the collywobbles.at collywobbles, n.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 24: It was pretty cool, considerin’ like as I didn’t know yer.at cool, adj.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 43: ‘I don’t ’old with such foolishness. It’s wiste of money ter me,’ she said. ‘Na then, don’t crack on, old tart,’ remarked her husband.at crack on, v.2
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 87: You’re all barmy on the crumpet.at barmy on the crumpet (adj.) under crumpet, n.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 8: ‘I’m abaht done,’ said Sally, blowing and puffing.at done, adj.
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 20: They’ve got drag startin’ from the ‘Red Lion’ that’s goin’ down ter Chingford.at drag, n.1
1897 W.S. Maugham Liza of Lambeth (1966) 69: Yer know, Liza, I love yer – fit to kill.at fit to kill under fit to..., phr.