1670 J. Ray Proverbs 204: As drunk as a beggar. This Proverb begins now to be disused, and people instead of it are ready to say, As drunk as a Lord.at drunk as (a)..., adj.
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 216: Drinking phrases: Lick your dish. Wind up your bottom. Play off your dust. Hold up your dagger hand. To bang the pitcher.at bang a pitcher (v.) under bang, v.1
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 216: He that hath eaten a Bear-pye, will always smell of the garden.at bear-garden (n.) under bear, n.
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 164: To bite upon the bridle. That is, to fare hardly, to be cut short, or suffer want.at bite (on) the bridle (v.) under bite, v.
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 52: Offing comes to boffing. Chesh. Offing, i.e. offering or aiming to do.at boff, v.
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 245: Gimmingham, Trimmingham, Knapton and Trunch, / North Repps and South Repps are all of a bunch.at bunch, n.1
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 2: The Ape so long clippeth her young that at last she killeth them.at clip, v.1
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 172: To dine with Duke Humphrey. That is, to fast.at dine with Duke Humphrey (v.) under dine, v.
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 178: To grease a fat sow on the A---.at grease a fat sow in the arse (v.) under grease, v.1
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 200: Not worthy to carry guts after a Bear.at carry guts to a bear (v.) under gut, n.
1670 J. Ray Proverbs 243: All goeth down Gutter-lane. [...] This proverb is applied to those, who spend all in drunkenness and gluttony, mere belly-gods.at gutter lane (n.) under gutter, n.