2000 P. Roth Human Stain 117: I’m supposed to give a shit about some jerk-off sitting in the fifteenth row?at give a shit, v.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 65: Ape-shit guys who recognize the horror, but know it is the very best moment of their lives.at apeshit, adj.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 215: Asshole! I don’t care what the fuck they are! They count as gooks!at asshole, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 227: Coming on top of everything else it breaks my fucking hump.at break someone’s hump (v.) under break, v.1
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 183: His fear of the Shore Patrol, and of the court-martial, and of the brig.at brig, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 65: One day he’s door-gunning in Vietnam, seeing choppers explode, in midair, seeing his buddies explode.at buddy, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 182: Just as at the white cathouse, nobody took him here for anything other than what he was.at cat-house, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 249: The thousand-yard stare which we all picked up when we were just brother grunts.at grunt, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 255: We did a lot of humpin’, but sooner or later you knew you’d get back to that fifty.at hump, v.1
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 101: Coleman caught him in what Doc Chizner called ‘the labonz’.at labonza, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 216: This brute-sized, opaque, pony-tailed lug without any desire ever to speak.at lug, n.2
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 224: Religiously taking his meds — for the anxiety his Klonopin, for the depression his Zoloft, for the sizzling ankles and the gnawing knees and the relentlessly aching hips his Salsalate.at med, n.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 222: Bobcat sets himself the pleasant task of polishing off Les’s soup.at polish off, v.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 183: Having got himself reamed, steamed, and dry-cleaned (as well as properly tattooed in the bargain).at ream, v.
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 129: A theatrically big-featured, vivacious dark girl [...] in the parlance of the moment ‘stacked’.at stacked, adj.1
2000 P. Roth Human Stain 216: Shit. Weekend warriors and all of a sudden they have to see some real action.at weekend warrior (n.) under weekend, adj.