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The Forayers choose

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[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 107: You see, he’s a gentleman what don’t blieb berry much in de rights ob poor buckrah.
at backra, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 221: When a blockhead behaves after this fashion, there’s something in it.
at blockhead, n.1
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 136: How are you, old buck, this warm weather?
at old buck (n.) under buck, n.1
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 97: I tink, Mass Willie, [...] dat you better hab dese little bullpups yer, onder you own han.
at bull pup (n.) under bull, n.1
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 196: These fellows really have no plans. They are a class of bull-heads—that simply rush and butt.
at bull-head, n.1
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 101: For a fellow that knows how to use cold steel, I reckon, Skin-the-Sarpent, you’re about the most bull-headed.
at bullheaded, adj.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 170: The pistols, Carrie, the old dogs!
at dog, n.5
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 241: ‘I hope you were sober, sir.’ [...] ‘Oh! yes—couldn’t be otherwise, sir; at that time hadn’t drank a thimbleful of the element.’.
at element, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 161: Come! Polly, no highflying airs with me.
at high-flying, adj.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 380: I went down under his fist like a great bullock under the axe of a butcher. He’s a most powerful fellow in the gripe.
at gripe, n.1
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 377: Why were you so hot on his trail, Dick?
at hot on, adj.1
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 467: He will be for keeping this side, where he can soonest make Orangeburg.
at make, v.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 428: They’re cotch’d napping, on their haunches.
at catch someone napping (v.) under napping, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 173: They will fight at a pinch.
at pinch, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 173: Wha’ you tink, tis him let dat d---d polecat, Debbil Dick, out ob de hitch I mek.
at polecat, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 356: ‘Missed him, by jingo!’ [...] Dern the puppies! I don’t believe in pistols no how.
at puppy, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 439: This will so. Push ahead.
at push, v.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 429: Hark! thar’s another rush! Half of them dashing up the avenue!
at rush, n.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 81: Polly mighty smart and scrumptious, Mass Willie.
at scrumptious, adj.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 195: Benny Bowlegs [...] has already knocked over half a dozen more, and I have stretched out as many.
at stretch, v.
[US] W.G. Simms Forayers 494: ‘Hurrah for the old swamp-fox!’ [...] the troopers of the swamp-fox drew in their bridles, and yielded slowly and sullenly, before the advancing infantry of the British.
at swamp-rat (n.) under swamp, n.
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