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Howard the Duck choose

Quotation Text

[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 167: Yeah, sure. In a pig’s eye!
at in a pig’s arse! (excl.) under pig’s arse!, excl.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 137: They arrested me at the plant! I’m gonna do hard time in the Big House.
at big house, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 186: Hrobosky, the mad Hungarian relief pitcher [...] set to toss a sizzler past some thoroughly bollixed rookie.
at bolloxed, adj.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 118: We’re gonna cook this sucker’s goose!
at cook someone’s goose, v.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 121: Little [...] microgoddamscopic baby zucchini!
at god-damn, adj.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 29: She was clad in luscious gold lamé and do-it-to-me high heels.
at fuck-me, adj.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 61: Even a duck can only stomp around in a funk for so long.
at funk, n.2
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 116: Three grinning truckers in green mesh gimme caps.
at gimme cap (n.) under gimme, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 26: The owners and managers of these grungeholes were pros at one thing only—feeling sorry for themselves.
at grungehole (n.) under grunge, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 119: ‘Lord love a duck!’ he groaned.
at lord love-a-duck! (excl.) under lord love...!, excl.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 19: You’re a turkey, scuzz-brain.
at scuzzhead (n.) under scuzz, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 27: There was Ginger, shooting his cuffs and making sure he could be seen.
at shoot one’s cuff(s) (v.) under shoot, v.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 186: Hrobosky, the mad Hungarian relief pitcher [...] set to toss a sizzler past some thoroughly bollixed rookie.
at sizzler, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 69: Your boss is a goon and his business is a sleazehole.
at sleazehole (n.) under sleaze, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 143: Doing what he did best: slinging baloney.
at sling, v.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 94: He had just got sloppy after knocking back half a bottle of Chivas.
at sloppy, adj.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 121: Little teeny-tiny, eenie-weinie, itty-bitty, microgoddamscopic baby zucchini!
at teensie-weensie, adj.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 69: Your boss is a goon and his business is a sleazehole. So you walk.
at walk, v.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 95: Excuse me, Ms Kozna-whosis.
at whosis, n.
[US] E. Weiner Howard the Duck 52: Want itty-bitty yum-yum candies?
at yum-yum, adj.
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