1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 131: Deuce take the yellow bellies. What brings the cursed greasers here?at yellow belly, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 50: By all the blue blazes, I’ll go take his hide. [Ibid.] 131: To blazes and blackness with the Mexicans!at blue blazes (n.) under blue, adj.5
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 32: You better hurry up your cakes, then.at hurry up the cakes (v.) under cake, n.1
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 12: When ‘salting’ claims to catch the pig-tail Celestials hardly was tried, folks were selfish.at celestial, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 4: The English when ‘chummed’ together, might be overheard remembering in slang certain pocket-diving and crib-cracking feats.at crib-cracking (n.) under crib, n.1
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 44: ‘Drop your belts on the ground, or you’re dead meat!’ roared Garcia.at dead meat, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 4: The English when ‘chummed’ together, might be overheard remembering in slang certain pocket-diving and crib-cracking feats.at dive, v.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 85: Give in, you dod-rotted gopher! The woman’s sold you!at dod-rotted (adj.) under dod, n.1
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 12: I’ll be dog gone’d but he’ll be cracked like those finger-long fleas the Irishman left us in this here shanty.at I’ll be doggoned! (excl.) under doggone, v.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 130: Confound you, there was only a figure six of thousands, and every man Jack of you fingered his thousand, Caramba!at every man jack (n.) under every, adj.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 3: When ‘Charley the Chief’ couldn’t save ‘Frisco’ from the flames.at ’Frisco, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 130: I’ll go as X besides that the old buck himself, Joaquin, is in town, for one is always hanging around the other.at go, v.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 60: I called myself [...] a red-ball of villainy, a king-pin of wickedness, a knave of the pack of thieves.at kingpin, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 132: You’re as lippy as a Tomb’s shyster who’s fingered a knuck’s fee.at lippy, adj.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 12: An idea which they had had of catching a detachment of Uncle Sam’s ‘blue-bellies’ napping.at catch someone napping (v.) under napping, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 9: ‘Smother him, the bastely Mixican,’ said a Patlander.at Patlander (n.) under Pat, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 131: Here they are leaving the woods [...] to meddle with us in the city, r-r-rot ’em!at rot!, excl.1
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 130: Three-fingered Jack, one of the top-sawyers of Joaquin’s cut-throats.at top sawyer, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 156: The ‘hard-fists’ and the ‘silk-stockings,’ few, however, began to cover the blank of a petition with signatures.at silk stocking, n.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 20: It’s a slapping bit of horseflesh between your legs, Bill!at slapping, adj.
1865 H.L. Williams Joaquin 9: Shove her up, shove her up to the bolt, I’d rather have an ounce than a twenty-dollar note, for the slug it will sink and the flimsy’ll float.at slug, n.1