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Maledicta: the Interrnational Journal of Verbal Aggression choose

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[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 252: ‘My, grandma-san, but you have beaucoup teeth,’ observes the Hood.
at beaucoup, adj.
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 252: The wolf takes a shortcut to arrive there first, whereupon he [...] climbs inta her rack, there to wait the imminent arrival of Hood with the bennies.
at benies, n.
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 251: I know you numbah fuckin’ ten cheap charlie, so di-fucking-mau, slopehead, and never come this way again.
at cheap charlie (n.) under cheap, adj.
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 251: As our story begins, Little Red Riding Hood is leaving her hooch in the vil with a doggie pack of chop.
at doggie, n.2
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 252: ‘Wow! That was some John Wayne!’ exclaims the wolf, admiring her feat in spite of himself.
at John Wayne, n.1
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 252: ‘Your ears are maxed to the onions,’ comments the Hood.
at maxed (adj.) under max, v.
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 251: I know you numbah fuckin’ ten cheap charlie.
at number ten, adj.
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 251: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for I am the meanest motherfucker in the valley. Short! she adds by way of amen.
at short, adj.1
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 251: Cut me some slack, Sir Charles. There’s only ti-ti chow in this pack, some motherfuckers and beans, couple warm bamebas, bottle of Saigon tea, that’s all.
at cut (some) slack (v.) under slack, n.1
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 251: I know you numbah fuckin’ ten cheap charlie, so di-fucking-mau, slopehead, and never come this way again.
at slope, n.2
[US] Army Reporter Feb. in Maledicta VI:1+2 252: ‘Get some!’ screams the Hood. ‘Wow, did you zap that zip, papa-san!’.
at zip, n.4
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 13: A person that you don’t like is often described in terms of various bodily parts or excretions: [...] He’s not worth a pisspot full of crabapples, and don’t amount to a fart in a whirlwind.
at not worth a fart, phr.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 77–8: Following are some specimens [of sarcastic interrogatives] [...] [26] Does a chicken have lips?
at does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic?, phr.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 13: He is so dumb he couldn’t pour piss out of a boot-with the directions printed on the heel.
at not have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot, v.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 16: The disliked person is accused of being a fag (or Three-Letter Man) [...] He has taken it in his head to make a living, or takes it up the ass so deep his ears light up.
at take it up the arse under arse, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 12: The fool or clod doesn’t know his ass [...] from third base, or from a double-barrelled shotgun.
at not know one’s arse/ass from... (v.) under arse, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 16: Naturally, he is also a sycophant and toady to the boss: an ass-kisser, and an arsehole-polisher.
at arsehole polisher (n.) under arsehole, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 17: If she is willing, [...] she is hotter than a little red wagon, or hotter than a bitch-wolf.
at hotter than a little red wagon under hot as..., adj.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 13: A person that you don’t like is often described in terms of various bodily parts or excretions: [...] he isn’t worth wiping your ass on (politely: your shoes), or ain’t worth trading for a shit-ass pup.
at ass-wipe, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 14: If he is particularly ignorant or foolish, and proves it by talking loudly or a lot about things [...] his ass is sucking blue mud.
at one’s ass sucks wind under ass, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 14: If he is particularly ignorant or foolish, and proves it by talking loudly or a lot about things [...] he’s got his balls twisted, and his ass is sucking blue mud.
at have one’s balls twisted (v.) under balls, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 10: Consider: [...] the whole string of adjective forms: dirty bastard, lousy bastard, stinking bastard, and more hateful and more colorful variations, such as cheap phoney-baloney ass-scratching bastard.
at phoney-baloney, adj.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 43: What a puss! What a beezer! what a mug!
at beezer, n.1
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 11: Even bitch can become a compliment if said in the right way; a real bitchen woman is considered the finest type on the West Coast.
at bitching, adj.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 16: In plain English, he is a cock-sucker or a blowjob artist.
at blow-job artist (n.) under blow job, n.1
[US] Maledicta 1:2 134: Hunk and hunky, shortened from Hungarian, and blended with Bohemian to produce bohunk, may have begun as simple, derogatory ethnic terms for persons of eastern European origin; but they were soon transferred to the occupation typical of east Europeans in large American cities – ‘factory hand,’ with connotations of general obtuseness and stupidity.
at bohunk, n.
[US] Maledicta 1:2 135: Philistine was introduced by Thomas Carlyle and popularized by Matthew Arnold as a term for a crass, materialistic, anti-intellectual member of what H. L. Mencken called the booboisie.
at booboisie, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 15: Up your brown with a Roto-Rooter—and spin it!
at brown, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 16: Naturally, he is also a sycophant and toady to the boss: [...] He has a brown nose and a fur tongue, or is a T.L. (tokus-leker: Yiddish), and the boss’s automatic tongue-wiper.
at have a brown nose (v.) under brown nose, n.
[US] Maledicta 1 (Summer) 12: In America one of the most usual insulting invitations today is go fuck yourself (In England they say bugger yourself.).
at bugger you! (excl.) under bugger, v.1
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