at patterer, n.
at big-mouthed, adj.
at gay house (n.) under gay, adj.
at mouldy, adj.
at nutty upon (adj.) under nutty, adj.2
at apehead (n.) under ape, n.
at tormentor of catgut, n.
at sharping, n.
at earwig, v.1
at scrape, n.
at spoonyism (n.) under spoony, n.
at body binder (n.) under body, n.
at tabby, n.
at hempen collar (n.) under hempen, adj.
at thick-skulled (adj.) under thick, adj.
at wheel of life (n.) under wheel, n.
at Joseph, n.
at apehead (n.) under ape, n.
at left-handed wife (n.) under left-handed, adj.
at hell’s delight(s) (n.) under hell, n.
at knobstick, n.
at bobbery, n.
at booby, n.1
at bootlicker, n.
at cauliflower, n.2
at beast, n.
at hang out the flag of distress (v.) under flag of distress, n.
at Jack Ketch, v.
at maw-worm, n.
at mouldy, adj.
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