1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 29: In this tenement soldiers and their dolls regale in max and backee.at bacca, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 36: The fearless Don, who cares not for a row, and carries no more blunt than what he cares to lose.at blunt, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 22: To enjoy the company of these bona robas, it may enhance the hour of entertainment by the knowledge of the French language.at bona roba, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 18: Here may you, ushered into a room, after admittance obtained from some well-known bona, through a window, see females in an actual state of nudity.at bona, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 38: The bar is surrounded by some of the most outré in London – dustmen, knackers, bone grubbers, cadgers.at bone-grubber (n.) under bone, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 9: Who can gainsay him not as good as the primo buffa of Old Drury?at buffer, n.3
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus frontispiece: Introducing Houses, West-End ‘Walks,’ Chanting Slums, Flash Cribs, and Dossing Kens.at chanting slum (n.) under chanting, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 23: This cock and hen club should be visited by swells from all parts.at cock-and-hen club (n.) under cock, n.3
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 24: Who has not heard of this famous depot for Corinthian fun.at corinthian, adj.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 24: Corinthians, dons, swells, swankeys here accumulate warming their conks over a well digested root.at corinthian, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 29: In this tenement soldiers and their dolls regale in max and backee.at doll, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 18: Beauteous are the females that mix with the dons and strollers of the west-end.at don, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus frontispiece: Introducing Houses, West-End ‘Walks,’ Chanting Slums, Flash Cribs, and Dossing Kens.at doss-ken (n.) under doss, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus frontispiece: Introducing Houses, West-End ‘Walks,’ Chanting Slums, Flash Cribs, and Dossing Kens, with all the Rowdy-Dowdy and Flash Patter of Billingsgate and St. Giles’.at rowdy-dowdy, adj.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 15: Foreigners and gamblers, adventurers in play, perfectures in the elbow-shaking.at shake one’s elbow (v.) under elbow, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 33: All flare-ups, in seeking the pursuit of merriment, will there be instructed in the art, by association with these happy mortals.at flare-up, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus Frontispiece: Introducing Houses, West-End ‘Walks,’ Chanting Slums, Flash Cribs, and Dossing Kens, with all the Rowdy-Dowdy and hoFlash Patter of Billingsgate and St. Giles’.at flash, adj.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 36: To enter this rendezvous [...] you must appear fly.at fly, adj.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 26: Miss King [...] The above frail, receives visits more than seeking them.at frail, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 38: The bar is surrounded by some of the most outré in London [...] the hedge-rangers of Highgate Fields.at hedge prowler (n.) under hedge, adj.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus frontispiece: Introducing Houses, West-End ‘Walks,’ Chanting Slums, Flash Cribs, and Dossing Kens.at house, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 36: King’s Arms Borough. A house that has been often indicted.at house, n.1
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 23: Admission – patience – in turn to wade through the throng of costermongers, porters, doxies, high and low pads, who stand lushing.at low pad (n.) under low, adj.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 23: Admission – patience – in turn to wade through the throng of costermongers, porters, doxies, high and low pads, who stand lushing.at lush, v.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 34: An anti-room is mostly filled with coal-heavers, their ‘vim-men,’ costermongers and dolls.at vim-man, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 8: Song and joke swim amid the inspiring max.at max, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 18: Castle Street [...] Is an abode where swells, night-walkers and the pavé revive the days of old.at night walker, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 30: The lovely nymphs are generally of French origin.at nymph, n.
1846 New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 15: ‘Nymphs of the Pavé’ drop in to refresh themselves with the essence of berry, after perambulating the neighbouring streets and avenues. [Ibid.] 38: Here the pets of the pavé are in good order – as plum as partidges and wicked as kittens.at nymph of the pavé, n.