1822 Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza 52: Bunches of turnips, extremes of low life. [Ibid.] 55: Roses, pinks and tulips, nobility.at orchids and turnips, n.
1822 Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza II iv: I brought her to the pig an tinder-box.at Pig and Tinder-box, n.
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza I ii: Oh ho! I have caught you, Jerry, on the sly, with your fancy article.at fancy bit (n.) under bit, n.1
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza I v: I frequently resort here to [...] make assignations with pieces of muslin.at bit of muslin (n.) under bit, n.1
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza II iv: Seize upon that man, and confine him in the black-hole.at black hole (n.) under black, adj.
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza 52: Black diamonds, coals, and coal heavers.at black diamonds (n.) under black, adj.
1822 Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza I v: See that young man a diver is. Hush or he’ll rattle out his bones upon your ivories.at bones, n.1
1822 Tom and Jerry; Musical Extravaganza 52: Cabbage monger, a tailor.at cabbage monger (n.) under cabbage, n.1
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza II i: You have moistened your chaffer tolerably well.at moisten one’s chaffer (v.) under chaffer, n.2
1822 Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza II i: Bravo! Here goes! It’s the most pleasant manner of cupping a man.at cup, v.
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza II i: The prize cup which he had previously filled with daffy soup.at daffy, n.1
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza I i: Bill, what are you stopping at? What! Have I brought you all to a dead beat?at deadbeat, n.
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza I vii: I know not whether more wamly to admire your astonishing judgment, or the spirit with which you fork out the dimmock.at dimmock, n.1
1822 Tom and Jerry; Musical Extravaganza II iv: A third of a daffy, which I took vid dirty Suke, as I vished to be nutty upon her.at dirty, adj.
1822 Tom and Jerry; Musical Extravaganza II iv: As prime a gay old dust as ever I came across.at dust, n.
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza 53: Face-makers, fathers of bastards.at face-maker (n.) under face, n.
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza I v: Little ragged boys in courts are flashing it, and flooring it. Brothers with their sisters’ heads are fibbing it, and boring it.at flash it (v.) under flash, v.1
1822 Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza I viii: You are game to the backbone, Jerry.at game, adj.1
1822 Tom And Jerry; Musical Extravaganza 53: Gammoning a maim, pretending to be hurt or crippled.at gammon a maim (v.) under gammon, v.
1822 Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza I vi: It’s no go – he’s up – knowing from head to tail.at no go, phr.