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Covent Garden Weeded choose

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[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded II i: Fart for his undertaking; all the world is bent to crosse me.
at fart...!, a, excl.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded V i: His son irrecoverably lost, my daughter resolutely bent to be an Ape-leader in Limbo.
at ape-leader, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: Nay, you slave, we’ll mark you for a Sheep-biter.
at sheep-biter (n.) under bite, v.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: To all the Brothers and Sisters of ... The Blade and the Scabberd.
at blade, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: A botts on’t, I never saw the Mountebanks Wife.
at bots, n.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: I have a great mind to be one of the Philoblathici, a Brother of the Blade and Battoon.
at brother (of the) blade (n.) under brother (of the)..., n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: I’le dismiss the Gallant, and send you, Sirrah, for another wench. I’le have Besse Bufflehead again. This kicksy wincy Giddibrain will spoil all.
at bufflehead, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: Thou hadst been better have bit off the dugs of thy Damme, thou pin-buttock Jade thou, than have snapt a bit of mine from me.
at buttock, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: This may warne you out of such caterwaling company.
at caterwaul, v.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded II ii: He promis’d her marriage, clap’t her, you may guess where, and so like the slippery Trojan left her.
at clap, v.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: What is this fellow that you dare know him, Friend Cockbrayn?
at cock-brain (n.) under cock, n.3
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: Art thou travel’d cross the Seas from the Bankside hither, old Countess of Cods-piece row?
at cod-piece (n.) under cod, n.3
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded II i: Sfoot the Rogue Rooksbil and his crew, I fear’d as much.
at crew, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: A fashion [...] pursu’d by Cyprian Dames.
at Cyprian, adj.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: nick.: But Dammy — gab.: O fearfully profane! [in cynical use].
at damme!, excl.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: Great Damboys shrink, and give a little ground.
at damme-boy (n.) under damme!, excl.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded II ii: How the devil got they acquainted?
at how the devil...?, phr.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: O Madge how I do long thy thing to ding didle ding.
at diddle, v.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded II ii: What dirty dogged humour was I in when I got him troe?
at dogged, adj.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded III i: Marry fough. Goodie Foyst.
at faugh!, excl.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: Hells broke loose; this comes of your new fingle-fangle fashion, your preposterous Italian way forsooth [...] The very first twang of your fiddle guts has broke all, and conjur’d a legion of devils among us.
at fiddle, n.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: Were you but now all o’th heigh to set your self out for a signe with your fiddle cum twang, and promise such wonders, forsooth, and will not now be seen.
at fiddle, n.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: Is this the Damsel that has been in France and Italy?
at French, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: If I were forward as many Maidens are, / To wish a husband, must I not be sought? / I never was a Gadder: and my mother, / Before she dyed, adjur’d me to be none.
at gad, n.2
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded III i: I will not believe ’tis Religon in any of the gang of ’em, but mere wilful affectation.
at gang, n.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded I i: Mystriss, there is a Gallant now below, a Gingle boy indeed, that has his pockets full of crowns.
at gingleboy, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded IV i: nick.: Mum, hold your tongue still in your mouth, lest I halifax it with your teeth. clot.: Halifax my tongue.
at Halifax, v.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded III i: cock: I am one that has the favour of the house sir. nick: To intrude into Gentlemens privacies? ha!
at house, n.1
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded dramatis personae: Margerie Howlet, a Bawd.
at Madge Howlet, n.
[UK] R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded III i: I stole from him, but to see if your Italick Mystresse were come yet. Your Madam.
at Italian, adj.
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