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The Way of the World choose

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[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV i: Thou art both as drunk and as mute as a fish.
at drunk as (a)..., adj.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World V i : I am brought to fine uses, to become a botcher of secondhand marriages between Abigails and Andrews!
at andrew, n.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World III ii: The devil’s an ass: if I were a painter I would draw him like an idiot.
at ass, n.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World V i: He could not have bedded your ladyship; for if he had consummated with your ladyship, he must have run the risk of the law.
at bed, v.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV x: How you stink of wine! D’ye think my niece will ever endure such a Borachio!
at borachio, n.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World Prologue: The squire that’s buttered still, is sure to be undone.
at butter, v.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World V i: Your turtle is in custody already; you shall coo in the same cage, if there be a constable or warrant in the parish.
at cage, n.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World V ii: Out, caterpillar, call me not aunt! I know thee not!
at caterpillar, n.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World V ii: My nephew was non compos, and could not make his addresses.
at non compos, adj.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV ii: Your Mahometan, your Mussulman, is a dry stinkard.
at dry, adj.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I ii: There were items of such a treaty being in embryo; and if it should come to life, poor Mirabell would be in some sort unfortunately fobbed, i’faith.
at fob, v.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I ii: No, no, hang him, the rogue has no manners at all.
at hang, v.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World II v: A hit, a hit! a palpable hit! I confess it.
at hit, n.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I ii: A man had as good be a professed midwife, as a professed whoremaster, at this rate! to be knocked up and raised at all hours.
at knock up, v.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I ii: bet.: They are gone, sir, in great anger. peb.: Enough, let ’em trundle.
at let ’em trundle! (excl.) under let, v.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV i: How can you name that superannuated lubber?
at lubber, n.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World III iii: You think you’re in the country, where great lubberly brothers slabber and kiss one another when they meet.
at lubberly, adj.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World V ii: S’heart an she should, her forehead would wrinkle like the coat of a cream-cheese; but mum for that, fellow-traveller.
at mum, n.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV ii: Odds heart, where’s Tony?
at ods heart! (excl.) under ods, n.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV ii: My nephew’s a little overtaken, cousin – but ’tis with drinking your health.
at overtaken, adj.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World III i: Madam, I have seen the party.
at party, n.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV ii: The sun’s a good pimple, an honest soaker; he has a cellar at your Antipodes.
at pimple, n.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I ii: Ay, ay; pox, I’m malicious, man!
at pox!, excl.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World III i: A pox take you both!
at pox take —! (excl.) under pox, n.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World III iii: Rat me, knight, I’m so sick of a last night’s debauch.
at rat me! (excl.) under rat, v.1
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I i: There’s such coupling at Pancras [...] the parson growing hoarse, we were afraid his lungs would have failed before it came to our turn; so we drove round to Duke’s-place, and there they were riveted in a trice.
at riveted, adj.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV ii: witwoud: Will you go to the cock-match? sir wilfull: With a wench, Tony. Is she a shake-bag, sirrah!
at shake-bag (n.) under shake, v.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World I ii: As soon as your back was turned – whip he was gone! – then trip to his lodging, clap on a hood and scarf, and a mask, slap into a hackney-coach, and drive hither to the door again in a trice.
at slap, adv.
[UK] Congreve Way of the World IV ii: The sun’s a good pimple, an honest soaker; he has a cellar at your Antipodes.
at soaker, n.1
[UK] Congreve The Way of the World IV ii: Your Mahometan, your Mussulman, is a dry stinkard.
at stinker, n.1
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