at up to one’s ass in alligators under ass, n.
at lose one’s ass under ass, n.
at attic, n.
at have someone/something by the balls (v.) under balls, n.
at loose in the bean (adj.) under bean, n.1
at big potato, n.1
at make book (on) (v.) under book, n.
at make book (on) (v.) under book, n.
at buzzer, n.3
at caput, adj.
at in the catbird seat under catbird, n.
at non-com, n.
at cow-turd (n.) under cow, n.1
at on the dime (adv.) under dime, n.
at dummy (up), v.
at ear job (n.) under ear, n.1
at off one’s feed (adj.) under feed, n.
at what the fuck!, excl.
at gone goose (n.) under gone, adj.1
at heartbreak hotel, n.
at out of here, phr.
at hot-shit around (v.) under hot shit, n.
at ins, n.
at you know it (is), phr.
at loony bird (n.) under loony, adj.
at monkey, n.
at tough-nut, adj.
at nut, adj.
at have one’s nuts in a knot (v.) under nuts, n.2
at piece of chickenshit (n.) under piece, n.
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