1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 194: Like you say, we’re up to our asses in alligators anyway.at up to one’s ass in alligators under ass, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 226: I came up a heavy winner in a poker game and Danzler lost his ass.at lose one’s ass under ass, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 272: I’m not saying he’s a goddamn loony bird. He’s just uh, ... a little loose in the attic.at attic, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 341: We were right on it [...] Scardi’s connection here. We had it by the ass.at have someone/something by the balls (v.) under balls, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 272: I’m not saying he’s a goddamn loony bird. He’s just, uh . . . a little loose in the attic.at loose in the bean (adj.) under bean, n.1
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 226: If I was making book on this question, I would give odds she didn’t know a thing about it.at make book (on) (v.) under book, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 245: He makes book in a fag bar out on Cheshire Bridge Road.at make book (on) (v.) under book, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 270: Sharky showed him his buzzer [...] The General looked at the badge.at buzzer, n.3
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 135: You’re in the catbird seat there.at in the catbird seat under catbird, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 131: The cigar, do ya mind? It smells like a fuckin’ cowturd burnin’.at cow-turd (n.) under cow, n.1
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 186: What the fuck’s so urgent you jokers get me outa the symphony right on the dime.at on the dime (adv.) under dime, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 100: It’s what we call an ear job [...] Probably the neatest phone-and-fuck operation I’ve ever run into.at ear job (n.) under ear, n.1
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 217: You’re a little off your feed.at off one’s feed (adj.) under feed, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 216: Don’t make no difference if I’m in Yokohama [...] or the fuckin’ South Pole, I’m a gone gosling.at gone goose (n.) under gone, adj.1
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 190: What is this here you’re layin’ off on me, Arch? What’s with this heartbreak hotel shit?at heartbreak hotel, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 263: All they do, is come in here hot-shittin’ around.at hot-shit around (v.) under hot shit, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 224: ‘And Domino is independent?’ ‘You know it. A no-shit lady.’.at you know it (is), phr.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 272: I’m not saying he’s a goddamn loony bird. He’s just uh, . . . a little loose in the attic.at loony bird (n.) under loony, adj.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 127: They’re pushin’ me around the bend, them gook monkeys.at monkey, n.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 245: This tough-nuts shooter you talkin’ about queer?at tough-nut, adj.
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 264: What the hell, we got our nuts in the door jamb anyway.at have one’s nuts in a knot (v.) under nuts, n.2
1978 W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 110: I got to wonder how in hell he ever got tied in with that mother-humping piece of camelshit.at piece of chickenshit (n.) under piece, n.