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Eddie’s World choose

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[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 12: Anybody ever asks you, you think Jimmy Mangino is tough? tell them you’re fuckin-A right you do.
at fucking-A, adv.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 143: I’ll be the scapegoat gets the maximum for some bullshit B and E.
at b and e, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 233: That Russian kid [...] The one the feds bagged outside the house on Long Island.
at bag, v.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 11: I managed to get the name of the guy from her, the one banged her around.
at bang around (v.) under bang, v.1
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 107: I’m putting my book up for sale [...] Fifty cents on the dollar. Same as the wiseguys pay.
at book, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 2: I was collecting for Joe Sharp, some guy went bust on him a few weeks earlier. Small change, four or five hundred.
at go bust (v.) under bust, adj.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 151: I play the chalk and get burned by the long shots. I play the long shots, they trip coming out of the gate.
at play the chalk (v.) under chalk, n.1
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 5: I’m sweating this dry spell out cold turkey.
at cold turkey, adv.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 93: Some ignorant crackhead nigger moving H for the west side Dominicans.
at crack head (n.) under crack, n.7
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 74: Then you still want to cut him in, you could do that too. Give him some money.
at cut in, v.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 19: Singleton dead-eyed the Puerto Rican.
at deadeye, v.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 206: He’d go dirty is my guess. He’d go underground. He’d go ethnic.
at dirty, adv.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 46: Please, Diane. I’m dog-tired, I got things to do today.
at dog-tired (adj.) under dog, adv.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 18: And maybe he’s bigger than me down there.
at down there under down, adv.1
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 138: I can handle my end. I can deal with whatever happens.
at end, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 143: Tommy is coming apart at the thought of doing time.
at fall apart (v.) under fall, v.1
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 4: Diane, when she isn’t flaking off about some new Internet gimmick, she wants a kid.
at flake off, v.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 4: We got along. I liked her flakiness. [Ibid.] 31: The flakiness that had originally attracted Eddie to Diane had become too unpredictable.
at flakiness (n.) under flaky, adj.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 39: Three fools with three baseball bats, and all they could do was knock him out.
at fool, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 169: ‘He’s got it for my sister.’ [...] ‘And she’s got it for me’.
at have it for, v.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 5: He owes me, so the car’s a freebee.
at freebie, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 240: The guy gets a freebee new start in life after admitting he killed a couple of dozen people.
at freebie, adj.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 20: Singleton yelled at the mugger to freeze. When the mugger started to run, Singleton shot him twice ion the back.
at freeze, v.2
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 132: I’m thinking [...] something more sinister than a fuck-up robbery.
at fuck-up, adj.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 12: ‘And he went up, what, five, six weeks ago?’ ‘For heavy shit’.
at go up, v.2
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 175: What am I speaking fuckin’ Greek?
at Greek, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 11: I still don’t see why she’d give you this kind of a score [...] Especially when she’s the insider.
at inside man (n.) under inside, adj.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 10: The prick was jackhammering her ass. he pulled out, blood all over the end of his dick.
at jackhammer, n.
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 93: Don’t jerk me around, brother.
at jerk around (v.) under jerk, v.2
[US] C. Stella Eddie’s World 13: Two office Joes had a late night, brought their work home for the weekend.
at joe, n.1
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