at A-1, adj.
at A-1, adj.
at not worth a fart, phr.
at know a thing or two, v.
at A-number-one, n.
at smart aleck, n.
at alley rat (n.) under alley, n.1
at five and dime, adj.
at in a pig’s arse! (excl.) under pig’s arse!, excl.
at beanpole, n.
at beat, n.2
at beat, n.2
at belly button (n.) under belly, n.
at bird, n.1
at blue-nosed, adj.
at bum, v.4
at buzz, v.1
at strapped (for cash), adj.
at chew the rag, v.
at classy, adj.
at cold fish (n.) under cold, adj.
at crap, adj.
at crap!, excl.
at curtains, n.1
at deuce, the, phr.
at ditch, v.1
at dolly, n.1
at dumpy, adj.
at -erino, sfx
at lip fart, v.
at I’m from Missouri, phr.
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