at Adam’s ale (n.) under Adam, n.
at all beer and skittles, phr.
at half-horse, half-alligator, adj.
at blood and ’ounds!, excl.
at mops and brooms, adj.
at argufy, v.
at ...a hatter under mad as..., adj.
at baker’s dozen, n.1
at ball, n.1
at beat Bannagher (v.) under Bannagher, n.
at beat, n.2
at beat all (v.) under beat, v.
at beautiful, adj.
at bluenose, n.1
at give someone/something the go-by (v.) under go-by, n.
at cabbage, v.1
at calaboose, n.
at cave in (v.) under cave, v.
at walk one’s chalks (v.) under chalks, n.
at chew (it) over (v.) under chew, v.
at cipher, v.
at clapper, n.1
at come it strong (v.) under come it, v.1
at come out, v.
at zip coon, n.
at coon, n.
at corn-grinders (n.) under corn, n.1
at cow, v.1
at crack, v.1
at cut a joke (v.) under cut, v.1
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