Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl 5 June 11: On ‘Kean’ being asked [...] whether he would require to wait [...] he said, ‘No, not now, his bubo was “broke”.’ — same night a ‘woman’ waiting.
at bube, n.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl 17 Jan. 4: Kean [...] had frequently three women to ‘stroke’ during performances and that two waited while the other was served.
at serve, v.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl 16 Aug. 16: I always try to take a ‘shag’ before the play begins.
at shag, n.1
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl 17 Jan. 4: Kean requested that the rehearsal might not be till twelve as he should get drunk [...] he had frequently three women to ‘stroke’ during performances and that two waited while the other was served.
at stroke, v.1
[UK] cartoon caption in J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl May 16: Help! Assist the Manager to douse his daylights.
at daylights, n.
[UK] cartoon caption in J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl May 16: Help! Assist the Manager to douse his daylights.
at douse, v.
[UK] cartton caption in J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl May 16: Go it Glossy — Serve him out — he’s a Dead Flat.
at serve out (v.) under serve, v.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl 16 Oct. 69: Elliston said to De Lancey he and his Mrs. ‘might kiss his arse’.
at kiss my arse!, excl.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl (1974) 10 May 87: ‘Elliston’ told Miss Cubitt before others his sleeve buttons he kept because they were the colour of his wife’s quim.
at quim, n.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl (1974) 20 Apr. 85: You are a great rascal. Out of my company of 150, you can’t find three but say you are a shit wig.
at shit wig (n.) under shit, n.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl (1974) 16 Mar. 107: Send me Lewis or the other woman. I must have a fuck.
at fuck, n.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl (1974) 19 July 114: ‘Elliston’ last Saturday was hot upon the American scheme.
at hot for (adj.) under hot, adj.
[UK] J. Winston Drury Lane Jrnl (1974) 7 Oct. 135: He went [...] into Hyde Park with a ‘woman’ whom he gave one shilling and while in the very act of ‘rogering’ her, died.
at roger, v.1
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