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Stag Party choose

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[US] Stag Party 12: ‘No,’ says the priest. ‘Yer not a horse but yer a horse’s arse .’.
at horse’s ass, n.
[US] Stag Party 95: The following scale of prices be agreed upon: Common, old fashioned f—k $1.00. Rear fashion $1.50. Back-scuttle fashion $1.75 .
at backscuttle, n.
[US] Stag Party 95: Liberal allowance made for button-hole pricks, commonly called cunt robbers, hair curlers, liver disturbers, kidney wipers, belly ticklers, bowel starters, etc.
at belly tickler (n.) under belly, n.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: When the hustler of the party, full of biz, / Rushes Round.
at biz, n.1
[US] Stag Party 95: Liberal allowance made for button-hole pricks, commonly called cunt robbers, hair curlers, liver disturbers, kidney wipers, belly ticklers, bowel starters, etc.
at bowel starter (n.) under bowel, n.
[US] Stag Party 61: It [i.e. a bullet] cut off one of mi strings and dropped one of mi kasters in the bottom of the sak where hit has been ever since and my wife says it is a dam shame .
at caster, n.3
[US] in Stag Party 38: At an elegant tea in Washington were present Representative B., whose wife was a very pronounced brunette. The hostess, also a brunette, asked the usual question as to Mr. B.’s preference in chicken [...] ‘I prefer the dark meat always’.
at dark meat, n.
[US] in Stag Party 62: A knot-hole he happened to see / So he stuck his dink through it to pee .
at dink, n.2
[US] Stag Party 15: He thought he would try a little elephant business in the city, and got one of his village acquaintances to make the trip with him.
at elephant business (n.) under elephant, n.
[US] Stag Party 225: She [...] takes the old fellow / Again by the throat .
at old fellow, n.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: So I quickened my motions and got off my gun, / Which so long had been ready for firing.
at gun, n.1
[US] Stag Party n.p.: It is said we are all good at ‘hacking,’ / Dancing, drinking, hugging, and smacking .
at hack, v.1
[US] Stag Party 217: ‘John Henry’ is hard as a bone .
at John Henry, n.
[US] ‘Socratic Love’ in Stag Party 192: His ponderous cods — a sight for Gods! were both surcharged with gism .
at jism, n.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: ‘Aren’t there a good many kickers among travelers?’ ‘Plenty of them. I could have a fight every hour in the day if I wanted to talk back’ .
at kicker (n.) under kick, v.1
[US] Stag Party 95: Liberal allowance made for button-hole pricks, commonly called cunt robbers, hair curlers, liver disturbers, kidney wipers, belly ticklers, bowel starters, etc.
at kidney-wiper (n.) under kidney, n.
[US] Stag Party 95: Liberal allowance made for button-hole pricks, commonly called cunt robbers, hair curlers, liver disturbers, kidney wipers, belly ticklers, bowel starters, etc. [Ibid.] 195: He has a liver lifter, child, / With which he ripped their wombs .
at liver disturber (n.) under liver, n.1
[US] in Stag Party 38: At an elegant tea in Washington were present Representative B., whose wife was a very pronounced brunette. The hostess, also a brunette, asked the usual question as to Mr. B.’s preference in chicken [...] ‘I prefer the dark meat always.’.
at meat, n.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: He played with and tickled my monkey, which made me feel so good that I naturally took his whole cock in my hand and began to rub it up and down.
at monkey, n.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: My pecker got hard behind the tree / [...] / And I found I had no inclination to pee.
at pecker, n.2
[US] Stag Party n.p.: I heard her exclaim, ’tis a beautiful pin, / Be quick now my darling and put it right in.
at pin, n.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: Well, he walked right in, planked $2 on the counter.
at plank, v.
[US] Stag Party n.p.: ‘Why am I like a journey long?’ / He asked her, blushing red; / ‘I do not know, unless it's that / You make me tired,’ she said.
at make someone tired (v.) under tired, adj.
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