1931 New Call (Perth, WA) 17 Dec. 1/3: [I]t was nothing to see a side-walk sister spend £5 every night on the drug, which usually represented about one-third of their night’s takings for soliciting.at sidewalk sister (n.) under sidewalk, n.
1931 New Call (Perth, WA) 24 Dec. 5/3: ‘It’s no laughing matter,’ said Bill, who was now ‘well sprung’.at sprung, adj.
1931 New Call (Perth, WA) 17 Dec. 1/3: ‘There's so little cash about these days that the street tarts have got to take dole tickets!’.at tart, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: A bird that has only Just escaped from his ‘cage’ after doing a ‘stretch’.at bird, n.1
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 14 Jan. 2/4: ‘This “blue” [i.e. a gun battle] ’as been brewing fer days now, and I knew there was going to be trouble; but, struth, I never thought ’e’d ’ave ther guts ter shoot’.at blue, n.4
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 24 Nov. 3/2: ‘Mabel,’ the ‘Queen’ of London's underworld [...] the ‘brains’ of one of the most powerful smash-and-grab gangs the Yard has ever been up against.at brain, n.1
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 31 Mar. 12/1: [T]hieves and robbers conduct their ‘businesses’ with flagrant disregard for the law.at business, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: A bird that has only Just escaped from his ‘cage’ after doing a ‘stretch’.at cage, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/5: In former times an ‘open go’ was afforded, and a winner simply had to take the risk, Sometimes he got through unscathed, more often he was ‘choked’ before he got fifty yards.at choke, v.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: When one of these ultra-respectable citizens [...] has a decent win, and desires to ‘chuck it,’ he is guaranteed safe conduct [...] nobody must leave, and a taxi is secured to convey him to his home.at chuck it, v.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 21 Apr. 12/8: I recognised the prettiest collection of criminal talent I have ever seen outside a police station. [...] ‘Giggling Dot,’ ‘Cokey Edna,’ and several other notorious women law breakers.at cokey, adj.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/1: In days that were, big hazard schools flourished in most of the States and the men who made money by running them are in ‘Easy-street’ to-day.at easy street, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/5: In former times an ‘open go’ was afforded, and a winner simply had to take the risk, Sometimes he got through unscathed, more often he was ‘choked’ before he got fifty yards.at fair go, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 21 Apr. 12/7: [A] young woman [...] informed the company that she had just ‘touched off’ a ‘gay’ which I learned meant that she had picked a man’s pocket.at gay, n.1
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 21 Apr. 12/7: ‘There’s enough cocaine in that saucer to send them all in the horrors for the rest of the night’.at horrors, the, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 28 Jan. 12/7: Male drug addicts lurk in dark doorways for the homecoming ‘nymph de pave,’ and they hold her up at gun point to steal her evilly begotten few shillings so that they can satisfy the craving for cocaine.at nymph of the pavé, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: In every ‘well-conducted’ hazard school is to be found what is known as the ‘Out-backer,’ [...] He [...] is a man of substance, and is not a gambler, in the strict sense of the term. It is not unusual for him to ‘sit behind’ a thousand or two, and he has figured out the chances long before being installed.at outbacker, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 14 Jan. 2/4: ‘They turned us over the other day, and found a gun’.at turn over, v.1
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: He never takes his eyes off the ‘Peter’ for a moment. Deft fingers would ring in the ‘crookeis’ [sic] if he left himself open, or the dummy had his attention drawn elsewhere for a momen.at peter, n.3
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 21 Apr. 12/7: ‘I want some “Angie”.’ ‘How much do you want?’ inquired the voice. ‘Oh! better give me eight “rears”,’ was the reply.at rear, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: [The gambling school] is far removed from the beat of the average pedestrian — likewise the ‘Jack’ and his sticky-beak propensities.at stickybeak, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 7 Apr. 3/4: A bird that has only Just escaped from his ‘cage’ after doing a ‘stretch’.at stretch, n.
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 21 Apr. 12/7: [A] young woman [...] informed the company that she had just ‘touched off’ a ‘gay’ which I learned meant that she had picked a man’s pocket.at touch, v.1
1932 New Call (Perth, WA) 14 Jan. 2/4: ‘[I]f them “Demons” wake that Jimmy was livin’ with er they’ll be down ‘ere’.at wake up, v.
1933 New Call (Perth, WA) 13 Apr. 19/3: Dirty little vagabonds down the hill in the Loo have cause to re member that little indiscretion.at Loo, the, n.
1933 New Call (Perth, WA) 2 Feb. 17/1: [He was] by no means reluctant to ‘top off’ any of his associates.at top off, v.
1933 New Call (Perth, WA) 6 July 1/3: ‘Then the cafe went smash and we all lost our jobs’.at go (to) smash (v.) under smash, n.1