1947 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 21 Apr. 11/5: Thdere are better opportunities on a farm today than in the city, if one sticks to one’s knitting.at stick to one’s knitting (v.) under stick to, v.
1954 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 7 May 25/3: Oh boy — are bobby-sex getting snitzy! The latest have ruffles round their cuffs.at snitzy, adj.
1962 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 24 Sept. 17/1: The suspects, reportedly ‘stir-wise,’ aren’t in a hurry to confess.at stirwise (adj.) under stir, n.1
1969 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 10 June 27/1: Selam has been [...] directing the left field bleacher throng into a roaring ‘sky-rocket’ cheer.at sky rocket (cheer), n.1
1970 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 24 May 4C/8: I [...] broke my hand [...] I didn’t give it my best shot.at one’s best shot (n.) under shot, n.1
1971 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 8 Apr. 6/5: [headline] Suds-Day Morning Counting Down.at sudsday, n.
1973 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 30 Sept. 191/2: Tchatchkas, knick-knacks — whatever you call them [...] can liven a house enormously.at tchotchke, n.
1976 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 1 July 1/1: Paul, the self-proclaimed expert on ‘schrooms’ [sic] describes the schroom high as a mild psychedelic that he finds quite pleasant.at shrooms, n.
1977 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 9 Oct. 16/4: A beer jerker serves beer.at beer-jerker (n.) under beer, n.
1979 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) sect. 1 16 Mar. 1/3: That show is worth seeing by rock fans and curious straightniks alike.at straightnik (n.) under straight, adj.1
1983 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 27 Dec. 52/1: There are now enough laws such as spitting on a public walkway [...] to keep an individual in the sheriff’s hotel (jail) if the system choses.at sheriff’s hotel (n.) under sheriff, n.
1985 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 9 Apr. 5E/3: ‘Am I the prettiest?’ queries Shogun of his followers, who reliably answer ‘Sho’nuff!’.at sho’ ’nuff, phr.
1990 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 14 Oct. 8F/3: The condo crowds who will soon begin flocking to South Florida’s Bagel Belt for the winter.at bagel belt (n.) under bagel, n.
1991 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 10 Jan. 2/1: Bush spoke of the Geneva meeting [...] ‘This was a total stiff-arm. This is a total rebuff. [...] We were stiff-armed by an intransigent foreign minister’.at stiff-arm (v.) under stiff, adj.
1999 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 26 May 55/3: An instrumental blend of funk, R&B and jazz fusion sounds that snarked off purists.at snark, v.
1999 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 15 Mar. 1/1: Without [‘the danger of discovery'] it [i.e. marijuana] has as much thrill as a double vodka at your neighborhoos swillery.at swillery, n.
2005 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 18 Mar. 10/2: Federal lawmakers can [...] be held hostage by these special interwest groups and jump to their will like spit on a hot griddle.at like shit off a shovel (adv.) under shit, n.
2006 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 29 July 23/4: ‘I can still go out and get slaughtered drunk and enjoy myself’.at slaughtered, adj.
2009 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 22 Feb. 3E/1: Once a day, Oprah Winfrey snarked off my wife.at snark, v.
2012 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 14 May C1/5: Let me apologize [for my] state of swagless being [...] From eavesdropping on kids via Twitter, swag is [...] style and attitude.at swagless (adj.) under swag, n.4
2014 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) PM2/3A well-paid executive of a high-end Manhattan firm [...] gets the ax: .at axe, n.
2014 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) PM2/3A high-end Manhattan firm [...] has suddenly hit the skids: .at hit the skids (v.) under skids, n.
2015 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 14 Oct. 2B/4: He should follow his Trumpian instincts and embrace the blingy opulence.at blingy (adj.) under bling, n.
2015 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 14 Oct. 2B/4: ‘I take over the world when I’m on my Donald trump s— . Look at all this money, ain’t that some s— ?’.at shit, n.
2018 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 30 Aug. T44/4: Instead of male or female [are] categories [...] ‘stone butch,’ ‘femme daddy’.at butch, n.1
2018 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 30 Aug. T44/4: Instead of male or female [are] categories [...] ‘stone butch,’ ‘femme daddy’.at daddy, n.
2018 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 30 Aug. T44/4: Instead of male or female [are] categories [...] ‘stone butch,’ ‘femme daddy’.at femme, n.
2018 Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 30 Aug. T44/4: Instead of male or female [are] categories [...] ‘stone butch,’ ‘femme daddy’.at stone, adv.