at does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic?, phr.
at animal, n.1
at armpit, n.
at -artist, sfx
at candy-ass, adj.
at coon-ass, n.
at attitude, n.
at baby, n.
at baggie, n.
at big-mouthed, adj.
at Big Sleazy, the, n.
at bindle, n.
at bird, n.3
at T-bone, v.
at boob, n.3
at bottle blond(e) (n.) under bottle, n.1
at bottom, n.3
at shit-for-brains, n.
at brogan, n.
at brown eye, n.
at brown nose, n.
at bugshit, adj.
at bunk, v.2
at truck bunny (n.) under bunny, n.1
at burn rubber, v.
at bust out, v.2
at C.O., n.
at canary, n.1
at car-jacker, n.
at cellie, n.
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