at trash, v.
at get the drop(s) (on) (v.) under drop, n.1
at bamboo chow-chow (n.) under bamboo, n.
at Dutch fit (n.) under Dutch, adj.1
at kerslash! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
at reuben, n.
at boohoo!, excl.
at go down the chute(s) (v.) under go down, v.
at simon legree, n.
at get the mitten (v.) under mitten, n.
at nigger work (n.) under nigger, n.1
at nymph of the pavé, n.
at apron-stringed (adj.) under apron-strings, n.
at where one is at, phr.
at blowed-in-the-glass (stiff), n.
at tomato-can vag (n.) under tomato can, n.
at by the eternal coonskins! (excl.) under coonskin, n.
at fatty, n.1
at jocker, n.1
at kid, n.1
at next (to), adj.
at straight goods (n.) under straight, adj.1
at on the turf under turf, n.
at wobbly, adj.2
at bashed out (adj.) under bash, v.
at blast!, excl.
at dopester, n.1
at get an eyeful (v.) under eyeful, n.
at jiminy!, excl.
at lallygag, v.
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