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A Frolic to Horn-Fair choose

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[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 16: He that brings Money to this Fair, must look after his Pockets, for the Waterlane Anglers are here as busie as Milk-Maids on a May-Day.
at angler, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 14: His Noble Worship looking round him as big, after he had paid the Beggar a Penny or his Title, as an old Cozening Curmudgeon, who has built an Alms-House.
at big, adj.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: And as for you, you Brandy Fac’d, Bottle-Nos’d, Bawdy, Brimstone Whore.
at bottlenosed, adj.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: And as for you, you Brandy Fac’d, Bottle-Nos’d, Bawdy, Brimstone Whore.
at brandy-face (n.) under brandy, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: Every time you Conjobble together, may he Beget your Belly full of Live Crabs and Craw-Fish.
at conjobble, v.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 13: A long range of little Cottages, at the doors of which sat abundance of Dutch buttock’d Lasses, with Sea Handkerchiefs about their Pouting Bubbies.
at Dutch-buttocked (adj.) under Dutch, adj.1
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 3: Then to take Boat and Land at Cuckolds-Point; and from thence [...] to Horn-Fair.
at horn fair, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 13: Directly over it [...] lay the Grunter on a Grid-Iron.
at grunter, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 14: When I enquir’d into the Allowance I found it so very small, that it might rather be call’d Pinch-Gut-Colledge, than an Hospitall for Poor Pensioners.
at pinch-gut, adj.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: With as much indignation and Revenge, as a She-Mumper, when Bilk’d of her crib.
at mumper, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 8: We had not [...] spent much time in Prittle-Prattle, but the Vintner [...] had most Ceremoniously Joyn’d himself with an Ironmongers Daughter.
at prittle-prattle, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: An Unlucky Rogue, with [...] a Ladle in his hand, fishes up a floating Sir-Reverence in his Wooden Vehicle, and gives it an Unfortunate Toss upon my Ladies Bubbies.
at sir-reverence, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: You Shitten Skull’d Son of a T—d [...] fit for nothing but to be cast into a Goldfinders Ditch.
at shitten, adj.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 13: With this piece of History we were mightily pleased [...] which indeed I swallow’d without Chewing, as [...] an Ignorant Congregation does the hum-drum Doctrines of a Dark Priest.
at swallow, v.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 15: The Members of this Society of Tarpaulin Paupers.
at tarpaulin, adj.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 8: She was grown a pretty stale Thorn-back.
at thornback, n.
[UK] N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: You Shitten Skull’d Son of a T—d [...] fit for nothing but to be cast into a Goldfinders Ditch.
at turd, n.
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