at a-hole, n.
at airhead, adj.
at have someone/something by the short and curlies (v.) under short and curlies, n.
at smart-arse, n.
at kick someone’s ass under ass, n.
at babe, n.
at brass balls, n.
at barf, v.
at beaner, n.3
at beat the shit out of, v.
at big one, n.
at blab, v.
at boner, n.4
at jump (on) someone’s bones (v.) under bones, n.1
at buff, adj.2
at bug, v.2
at bullshit, adj.
at bullshitter, n.
at bun, n.1
at bust, v.1
at buttfuck, v.
at card-carrying, adj.
at clout, n.4
at cocksucker, n.
at cojones, n.
at have someone cold (v.) under cold, adv.
at crack, n.1
at real deal, n.
at skinny-dipper, n.
at dippy, adj.
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