at ace, adj.
at ace, adj.
at armed for bear, phr.
at tear someone’s ass(hole), v.
at baby, n.
at beat, n.1
at big shit, n.
at don’t get your breeches torn under breeches, n.
at in cahoots (with) under cahoots, n.
at see which way the cat jumps (v.) under cat, n.1
at circus house (n.) under circus, n.
at conked, adj.
at cook, v.1
at dry up, v.
at dry jag (n.) under dry, adj.1
at Fed, n.
at frig you! (excl.) under frig, v.
at white about/around/in/round the gills (adj.) under gills, n.1
at have a go (v.) under go, n.1
at go up, v.2
at gonsel, n.
at goose, v.3
at grubstake, n.
at heap, n.2
at high sign, n.
at highball, n.1
at holler calf-rope (v.) under holler, v.
at on ice (adj.) under ice, n.1
at jacker, n.
at kiss my foot! (excl.) under kiss, v.
at knock off, v.
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