1791 Disraeli Curiosities of Lit. (1858 ) 169/2: He would be glad to see who would bell the cat, alluding to the fable.at bell the cat, v.
c.1800 ‘A Scene in the Election’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 69: I’ll vote for none of your Jack-a-Dandy’s.at jack-a-dandy, n.
c.1800 ‘A Scene in the Election’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 69: To serve your purpose you would not mind stooping to kiss my —.at kiss someone’s arse, v.
c.1800 ‘A Scene in the Election’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 69: Here are corianders that will purchase hides enough.at coriander (seed), n.
c.1800 ‘A Scene in the Election’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 69: A glass of as good maximus as e’er tip’t over an exciseman’s tongue.at max, n.
c.1800 ‘A Scene in the Election’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 69: The scum of mobility [...] must be attended to.at mobility, n.
c.1815 J. Pitts in Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) i: All the boys and girls around / Who go out prigging rags and phials.at prig, v.2
1820 ‘Greatest Old Ram in this Neighbourhood’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 38: Mr — [...] is much addicted to wenching and that he is known [...] as the ‘old ram’ or ‘billy goat’.at billy-goat, n.1
c.1820 ‘Sale of a Wife’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 40: O! blow me, it was a spree.at blow me!, excl.1
c.1820 ‘Sale of a Wife’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 40: And there she was, so help my bob, by public auction sold.at s’elp me bob!, excl.
c.1820 ‘Naked Truth’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 12: The young hero [...] stripped himself to the buff.at buff, n.1
c.1820 ‘Secrets Revealed’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 21: King Ludgate’s Hill --- I think the dem’med name of the place is called.at damned, adj.
c.1820 ‘A New Song’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 97: Give your Vote — give the Rascal a Halter.at halter, n.
c.1820 ‘Naked Truth’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 12: A fashionable hell in the western half of this well policed metropolis.at hell, n.
c.1820 ‘Railroad to Hell’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 33: This Line begins in the Brewery, and runs through all Public-houses, Dram-shops, and Jerry-Shops [...] until it lands in the Kingdom of Hell.at jerry shop, n.
c.1820 ‘Sale of a Wife’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 40: [title] Sale of a Wife in the Neighbourhood — Mrs. You-Know-Who.at you know who, n.
c.1820 ‘Horrible and dreadful Catastrophe’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 20: Lawk-a-daisy, sir, [...] missus has been peeling some onions to fry with the steak.at lawks-a-mussy! (excl.) under lawks!, excl.
c.1820 ‘Sale of a Wife’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 40: Here’s five and fourpence halfpenny for the mason’s lushy bride.at lushy, adj.1
c.1820 ‘Railroad to Hell’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 33: No wonder that Pop-ticket women and wags, / Are dressed up in nothing but patches and rags. / Their dresses and shawls for strong liquor they’ll swop, / Yes, Tagrag and Bobtail must go to the pop.at pop, n.2
c.1820 ‘Greatest Old Ram in this Neighbourhood’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 38: No sooner did the ‘Old Ram’ behold her than he was smitten with her.at old ram (n.) under ram, n.1
c.1820 ‘Sale of a Wife’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 40: At length a rum old cobbler did give a dreadful bawl.at rum, adj.
c.1820 ‘Railroad to Hell’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 33: And here you see women with bottles and jugs, / Roll into these taverns and dram-drinking snugs, / As brazen as brass to get an odd glass.at snug, n.
c.1820 ‘Extraordinary and Funny Doings’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 13: Mrs Thingembob, what do you think.at thingumabob, n.
1829 ‘Female Husband’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 119: Well, Mother Frisky, how is your old man?at old man, n.
c.1830 ‘Song on the Times’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 71: If starving, you should ask relief, you’re sent to a Whig bastille.at bastille, n.
c.1830 ‘A New Political and Reform Alphabet’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 83: If they think to gammon us out of reform / They will find we’ll be gammoned no more.at gammon, v.
c.1830 ‘Alarming Sacrifice’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 48: [title] Alarming Sacrifice!!! Sale by Auction on Monday next, April the First, of the Furniture and Effects of Hookey Walker, Esq.at hookey (walker)!, excl.
c.1830 ‘Universal Spelling Book’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 70: Peelers. A body of great Force. Brave and noble conquerors of an un-armed and peaceable people.at peeler, n.2
1831 ‘Trial . . . of Bishop & Williams, The Burkers’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 190: The horrible crime of ‘Burking’ or murdering the unwary with the intention of selling their bodies at a high price to the anatomical schools, for the purpose of dissection.at burke, v.
1831 ‘Trial . . . of Bishop & Williams, The Burkers’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 190: [subhead] Apprehension of the Burkers.at burker, n.