1927 Billboard Sept. (in Tosches 2001) n.p.: Billy Doran [...] has given up the minstrel game for dance instruction work in New York.at game, n.
1928 Billboard in Tosches (2001) n.p.: It looks as if vaude had the X on minstrels stars for the coming season.at have the X on (v.) under X, n.1
1936 Billboard 56/3: At Liberty / Colored People / shake dancer. light complexioned colored girl.at shake dancer (n.) under shake, v.
1942 Billboard 23 May 19/4: [Irving] Berlin put the buzz on the War Department to give temporary furloughs to some 20 or 25 songpluggers now in khaki.at put the buzz on (v.) under buzz, n.
1942 Billboard 14 Nov. 15/2: Current show is headed by Hinda Wausau, who will give cards and spades to any peeler in this theater.at give someone cards and spades (v.) under card, n.2
1942 Billboard 14 Nov. 15/2: Current show is headed by Hinda Wausau, who will give cards and spades to any peeler in this theater.at peeler (n.) under peel, v.
1943 Billboard 9 Jan. 20/1: The black-stick artist fairly radiated. Not only did he blow superb clarinet, he bounced and weaved and kicked in slow, jazz-drenched movements delightfully his own.at black stick (n.) under black, adj.
1943 Billboard 1 May 20/2: It is a common practice for many famous but hungry names to sit in for kicks, getting their bread-and-butter money where they can find it.at for kicks under kick, n.5
1943 Billboard 11 Sept. 8/2: Nor should this be taken as the sour- grape griping of a sad sack who was shut out of news sources.at sad sack, n.
1944 Billboard 30 Dec. 14/2: The grotto’s talents [...] Johnny Taylor, comedian; Rosita Lockhart, shake dancer; Dorris Woods, singer, and the 10 Ziggiettes line.at shake dancer (n.) under shake, v.
1944 Billboard 11 Mar. 17: This season has been a walloper for lay-offs via grippe, flu and pneumonia, not to speak of a variety of twists and sprains,.at walloper, n.1
1946 Billboard 9 Mar. 57/1: [advert] baker’s game shop [...] Under and Over Cloths / Beat the Dealer Cloths / Jumbo Skillos.at under-and-over (n.) under under and over, n.
1946 Billboard 13 Apr. 130/2: MILWAUKEE, April 6.— The beer shortage has finally hit this town, long known as the Beer City.at Beer City (n.) under beer, n.
1946 job ad. in Billboard 23 Mar.72/1: Want Ride Help [...] Also Help for Bull Gang to put up towers, arch and show fronts.at bull gang (n.) under bull, n.1
1946 Billboard 2 Nov. 42/2: Seeing that the featured fem gets speedy service on a hotdog from the chili parlor.at femme, n.
1946 Billboard 8 June 65/1: [advert] agents wanted One Sklllo and One Roll Down Agent. No ten per cent taken out. Lush heads and goof ball artists not wanted.at goofball artist (n.) under goofball, n.1
1946 Billboard 2 Nov. 42/1: A torso tosser who formerly was pleased no end with dragging down 75 hermans a week, soon found herself demanding $125 to $150, and getting it without too much . effort.at herman, n.
1946 Billboard 9 Feb. 31: Featuring J. C. Higginbotham BUZZ ME GET THE MOP (The Ignorant Stick).at ignorant stick (n.) under ignorant, adj.
1946 Billboard 12 Jan. 30/3: Juice Head Baby, a slow race blues about a gal who is drunk all the time.at juice-head (n.) under juice, n.1
1946 Billboard 25 May 58/1: He tries to poison the little lady during an audition and actually does knock off a poor old gardener, while trying to pin the rap on him.at pin the rap on (v.) under rap, n.1
1946 Billboard 16 Feb. 18/2: Walker [...] took Recording Manager Selvin along to get a slant on the show’s tunes.at get a slant on (v.) under slant, n.
1946 Billboard 2 Nov. 42/1: A torso tosser who formerly was pleased no end with dragging down 75 hermans a week, soon found herself demanding $125 to $150, and getting it without too much effort.at torso-tosser, n.
1947 Billboard 1 Feb. 168/3: For his Black Stick Boogie, a lively eight-beat blues, Smith fingers his clarinet stick eight to the bar.at black stick (n.) under black, adj.
1947 Billboard 5 July 20: Legal eagles predict a procession of court cases in which larger unions [...] probably will take the lead.at legal eagle, n.
1947 Billboard 25 Oct. 3/2: WHY DO THEY FALL IN FALLSBURG A hilariously funny hit from the heart of the Jewish Alps. A vacation in itself, with laffs from start to finish.at Jewish Alps (n.) under Jewish, adj.
1947 Billboard 14 June 161: [advt] You can still see FIESTA at your distributors—it's the ‘mostest of the bestest for the leastest’ .at mostest, n.
1947 Billboard 31 May 50/3: Nat (Skeeter) Lorow was in such excellent humor he popped for a 15-cent cigar.at pop for (v.) under pop, v.1
1948 Billboard 18 Sept. 38: A good picture playing a grind house eight or nine shows a day will bring in more than a vaude-pic combo limited to four or five.at grind house, n.