1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: He doss in a Pad of mine! No, Boy, if I was to grapple him, he must shiver his Trotters at Bilby’s Ball.at shake one’s trotters at Beilby’s ball (v.) under Beilby’s ball, n.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 14: I love to be in Town, because I shall see what my pretty birds (meaning her Customers) are doing.at bird, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.at bitch, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.at bloss, n.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 4: She was, when very young, obliged to get her Bread in the Streets with her Mother.at bread, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers. [Ibid.] 24: Buffers, Affidavit-Men.at buffer, n.2
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 8: Here you might see Ladies of Pleasure [...] attended by Fellows habited like Footmen, who were their Bullies.at bully, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: She flash’d half a Slat, a Bull’s-Eye, and some other rum Slangs.at bull’s eye, n.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: We had ne’er a Queer Cull, a Buttock, or a Porpus, amongst them, but all as Rum and as Quiddish as ever Jonathan sent to be great Merchants in Virginia.at buttock, n.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.at buttocking, adj.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 10: This Flash, as it is called, talking in Cant Terms.at cant, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 11: Let me see, There’s a Grunter’s Gig, is a Si-Buxom; two Cat’s Heads, a Win [etc.].at cat’s head (n.) under cat, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: I heard she made a Fam To-night, a Rum one, with Dainty Dasies.at daisy, n.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: I shall see my jolly old Codger [...] with his Day-lights dim, and his Trotters shivering under him.at daylights, n.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: You must tip me your Clout before I derrick, for my Blos has nailed me of mine.at derrick, v.
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers. [Ibid.] 24: Dudders, Fellows that sell Spital-fields Handkerchiefs for India ones.at dudder, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers. [Ibid.] 24: Duffers, Those who sell British Spirituous Liquors for Foreign.at duffer, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: I heard she made a Fam To-night, a Rum one, with Dainty Dasies, of a Flat from T’other Side.at fam, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers.at file, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 10: This Flash, as it is called, is talking in Cant Terms, very much us’d among Rakes and Town Ladies.at flash, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: She flash’d half a Slat, a Bull’s-Eye, and some other rum Slangs.at flash, v.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: I heard she made a Fam To-night, a Rum one, with Dainty Dasies, of a Flat from T’other Side.at flat, n.2
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.at froe, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 11: Let me see, [...] a Double Gage of Rum Slobber, is Thrums; and a Quartern of Max, is three Megs.at gage, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken, sluicing her Gob by the Tinney.at gin ken (n.) under gin, n.4
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken, sluicing her Gob.at gob, n.1
1747 Life and Character of Moll King 11: Let me see, There’s a Grunter’s Gig, is a Si-Buxom; two Cat’s Heads, a Win.at grunter’s gig (n.) under grunter, n.