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The Life and Character of Moll King choose

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[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: He doss in a Pad of mine! No, Boy, if I was to grapple him, he must shiver his Trotters at Bilby’s Ball.
at shake one’s trotters at Beilby’s ball (v.) under Beilby’s ball, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 14: I love to be in Town, because I shall see what my pretty birds (meaning her Customers) are doing.
at bird, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.
at bitch, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.
at bloss, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 4: She was, when very young, obliged to get her Bread in the Streets with her Mother.
at bread, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers. [Ibid.] 24: Buffers, Affidavit-Men.
at buffer, n.2
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 8: Here you might see Ladies of Pleasure [...] attended by Fellows habited like Footmen, who were their Bullies.
at bully, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: She flash’d half a Slat, a Bull’s-Eye, and some other rum Slangs.
at bull’s eye, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: We had ne’er a Queer Cull, a Buttock, or a Porpus, amongst them, but all as Rum and as Quiddish as ever Jonathan sent to be great Merchants in Virginia.
at buttock, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.
at buttocking, adj.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 10: This Flash, as it is called, talking in Cant Terms.
at cant, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 11: Let me see, There’s a Grunter’s Gig, is a Si-Buxom; two Cat’s Heads, a Win [etc.].
at cat’s head (n.) under cat, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: I heard she made a Fam To-night, a Rum one, with Dainty Dasies.
at daisy, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee?
at darkey, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: I shall see my jolly old Codger [...] with his Day-lights dim, and his Trotters shivering under him.
at daylights, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: You must tip me your Clout before I derrick, for my Blos has nailed me of mine.
at derrick, v.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 11: Does Jack doss in your Pad now?
at doss, v.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers. [Ibid.] 24: Dudders, Fellows that sell Spital-fields Handkerchiefs for India ones.
at dudder, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers. [Ibid.] 24: Duffers, Those who sell British Spirituous Liquors for Foreign.
at duffer, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: I heard she made a Fam To-night, a Rum one, with Dainty Dasies, of a Flat from T’other Side.
at fam, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: harry: But who had you in your Ken last Darkee? moll: We had your Dudders and your Duffers, Files, Buffers, and Slangers.
at file, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 10: This Flash, as it is called, is talking in Cant Terms, very much us’d among Rakes and Town Ladies.
at flash, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: She flash’d half a Slat, a Bull’s-Eye, and some other rum Slangs.
at flash, v.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: I heard she made a Fam To-night, a Rum one, with Dainty Dasies, of a Flat from T’other Side.
at flat, n.2
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken [...] and if she has morric’d it, Knocks and Socks, Thumps and Pumps, shall attend the Froe-File Buttocking B---h.
at froe, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 11: Let me see, [...] a Double Gage of Rum Slobber, is Thrums; and a Quartern of Max, is three Megs.
at gage, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken, sluicing her Gob by the Tinney.
at gin ken (n.) under gin, n.4
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 12: My Blos has nailed me of mine [handkerchief]; but I shall catch her at Maddox’s Gin-Ken, sluicing her Gob.
at gob, n.1
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 11: Let me see, There’s a Grunter’s Gig, is a Si-Buxom; two Cat’s Heads, a Win.
at grunter’s gig (n.) under grunter, n.
[UK] Life and Character of Moll King 11: To pay, Moll, for I must hike.
at hike (off), v.
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