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The Malcontent choose

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[UK] Marston Malcontent induction: I have heard of a fellow would offer to lay a hundred-pound wager, that was not worth five bawbees.
at baubee, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I iv: He has as sweet a lady, too; dost know her little bitch?
at bitch, n.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent I iii: Blurt o’ rhyme!, blurt o’ rhyme! Maquerelle is a cunning bawd.
at blurt!, excl.
[UK] Marston Malcontent IV iii: A most sound brain-pan!
at brainpan (n.) under brain, n.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent IV iv: Cross-capers! Tricks!.
at caper, n.2
[UK] Marston Malcontent V i: By this means she is better known to the stinkards than if she had been five times carted.
at cart, v.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I vi: Why, that at four women were fools, at fourteen drabs, at forty bawds, at fourscore witches, and at a hundred, cats.
at cat, n.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent V iv: That kind of cony-catching is as stale as Sir Oliver Anchovy’s perfumed jerkin.
at cony-catching, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent III iii: As Irishmen do bum-cracks.
at crack, n.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent induction: Alexander was an ass to speak so well of a filthy cullion.
at cullion, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent IV i: My name is Medam Maquerelle; I lie in the old Cunnycourt.
at cunny alley (n.) under cunny, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I viii: The Welshman stole rushes when there was nothing else to filch.
at filch, v.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent induction: By God’s lid, if you had, I would have given you but sixpence for your stool.
at God’s lid! (excl.) under God, n.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent II ii: Lady, ha’ ye now no restoratives for your decayed Jasons? Look ye, crab’s guts baked, distilled ox-pith [...] or powder of fox-stones?
at gut, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I vii: pietro: I am horn-mad. [...] mendoza: Why? pietro: Why? Thou, thou hast dishonoured my bed.
at horn-mad, adj.
[UK] Marston Malcontent Act I: Amongst a hundred French-men, fortie hot shottes.
at hot-shot, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent III i: I [...] have beat my shoemaker, knocked my semstress, cuckold my pothecary, and undone my tailor.
at knock up, v.
[UK] Marston Malcontent III iii: I ... have beate my Shoomaker, knockt my Sempsters, cuckold my Pothecary.
at knock, v.
[UK] Marston Malcontent V ii: Go thou, the duke’s lime-twig! I’ll make the duke turn thee out of thine office.
at lime-twig, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent IV iii: The buff-captain, the sallow Westphalian gammon-faced zaza.
at pigfaced (adj.) under pig, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I vi: Nay, he is the rustiest-jawed, the foulest-mouthed knave in railing against our sex.
at rusty, adj.2
[UK] Marston Malcontent III iii: [I love] Dogs, Dice and Drabs, ... have beate my Shoomaker, knockt my Sempstress.
at sempstress, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I iv: Believe me, a she-bitch! O ’tis a good creature; thou shalt be her servant.
at servant, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent V iv: ’Tis as common, as natural to a courtier, as jealousy to a citizen [...] or an empty handbasket to one of those sixpenny damnations.
at sixpenny suburb-sinnet (n.) under sixpenny, adj.
[UK] Marston Malcontent IV iii: ‘How did you kill him?’ ‘Slatted his brains out, then soused him in the briny sea.’.
at slate, v.1
[UK] Marston Malcontent IV v: Agamemnon, emperor of all the merry Greeks, that tickled all true Trojans, was a cornuto.
at tickle, v.
[UK] Marston Malcontent III iii: Illo, ho, ho, ho! Art there, old truepenny?
at truepenny (n.) under true, adj.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I iii: Sir Tristram Trimtram come aloft, Jack-a-napes with a whim wham?
at whim-wham, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent I iv: What though I called thee old ox, egregious wittol, broken-bellied coward, rotten mummy?
at wittol, n.
[UK] Marston Malcontent Ii i: He’s caught! The woodcock’s head is i’ the noose.
at woodcock, n.
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