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The Plays and Poems of Philip Massinger choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Massinger Maid of Honour (1632) II ii: Which of your groomes, Your coach-man, foole, or foot-man, ministers Night-physicque to you?
at night physic (n.) under night, n.
[UK] Massinger Maid of Honour (1632) II ii: You, sirrha Sheepes-head, With a face cut on a cat-stick.
at sheep’s head (n.) under sheep, n.
[UK] Massinger Maid of Honour (1632) v I: I hope Sir, You are not the man, much less imploy’d by him As a smocke-agent to me.
at smock merchant (n.) under smock, n.1
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: spun.: The petticoat of her estate is unlaced, I confess. hir.: Yes, and the smock of her charity is now all to pieces.
at all to pieces, adj.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: The a----, as it were, or fag-end of the world.
at arse, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II ii: With Jove’s artillery shot down at once, to pash your gods in pieces.
at bash, v.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr IV i: A blockish idiot!
at blockish (adj.) under block, n.1
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II ii: Oh, sir, his brain-pan is a bed of snakes, Whose sting shoots through his eyeballs.
at brainpan (n.) under brain, n.1
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: Would he that first tempted me to have my shoes walk upon Christian soles, had turn’d me into a capon, for I am sure now the stones of all my pleasure, in this fleshly life, are cut off.
at capon, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: I stole but a dirty pudding, last day, out of an almsbasket, to give my dog [...] and the peaking chitty-face page hit me in the teeth with it.
at chitty-face, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr IV i: Thou stinking clyster-pipe, where’s the god of rest, Thy pills and base apothecary drugs Threaten’d to bring unto me.
at clyster-pipe, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: We must confess, I took too much out of the pot; and he of t’other hollow commodity.
at commodity, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: A pox on your Christian cockatrices! They cry, like poulterers’ wives, No money, no coney.
at cony, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: The smug dandiprat smells us out whatsoever we are doing.
at dandiprat, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr III iii: harp.: I am a prince disguised. hir.: Disguised! how? drunk!
at disguised, adj.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: The a----, as it were, or fag-end of the world.
at fag end, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: Why, fellow Angelo, we were speaking in pedlar’s French, I hope.
at pedlar’s French, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: If any coxcomb has a galloping desire to ride, here’s a gelding, if he can but sit him.
at galloping, adj.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: The sign of the gingleboys hangs at the door of our pockets.
at gingleboy, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: I know women sell themselves daily, and are hackneyed out for silver.
at hackneyed, adj.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr IV i: doct.: Let him have some music. anton.: Hell on your fiddling!
at hell!, excl.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: Yes, indeed, we laid Jill on both of us.
at jill, n.1
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: Lanceprezade to red noses.
at lancepresado, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: hir.: Spungius, you are a pickpocket. spun.: Hircius, thou hast nimm’d.
at nim, v.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: And so, sweet nit, we crawl from thee.
at nit, n.1
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr III iii: Sure thy father was some botcher, and thy hungry tongue bit off these shreds of complaints, to patch up the elbows of thy nitty eloquence.
at nitty, adj.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr IV i: Gone, gone; he’s pepper’d. It is thou Hast done this act infernal.
at peppered, adj.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: Therein thou showed’st thyself a perfect demi-Christian too, to let the poor beg, starve, and hang, or die of the pip.
at pip, n.1
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II iii: theop.: Away, away! hir.: I to my sweet placket.
at placket, n.
[UK] Massinger Virgin-Martyr II i: Bawdy Priapus, the first schoolmaster that taught butchers to stick pricks in flesh, and make it swell.
at prick, n.
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