2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 157: ‘What dat bambaclaat say?’ ‘I’m say evenin’.’ ‘Can’t ’im see me playin’ domino?’.at bambaclaat, n.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth (2001) 192: You’re a fucking faggot, yeah? Queer boy, poofter, batty-rider, shit-dick.at batty rider (n.) under batty, n.2
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 321: Surely a Witness lady don’ wan’ look like a, well, a buguyaga in de house of de Lord.at buguyaga, n.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 10: The Hoover tube lay like a great flaccid cock on his back seat.at cock, n.3
2000 (con. 1974) Z. Smith White Teeth 6: Giving him a thorough cosh to the back of his head and almost knocking the boy off his perch.at cosh, n.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 20: If he’d played his cards right instead of starting a ding-dong, he might have had free love and bare breasts all over the gaff.at ding-dong, n.5
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 24: It was the girls who chose the moniker and dished it out.at dish (out), v.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 25: Ryan’s freckles were a join-the-dots enthusiast’s wet dream.at wet dream, n.
2000 (con. 1974) Z. Smith White Teeth 11: ‘You play like a faggot,’ said Samad, laying down the winning queens.at faggot, n.1
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 32: An assorted company of Hippies, Flakes, Freaks and Funky Folk.at flake, n.2
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 18: It’s New Year’s Day, for fuckssake. You best come in.at for fuck’s sake!, excl.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 325: Your mudder don’ like to tell you since she got all hitey-titey.at hitey-titey, adj.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 31: By the time the bell rang for end of school Monday Ryan Topps and Clara Bowden [...] were more or less an item.at item, n.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 22: Unless he was really going nuts, Archie saw that come hither look.at go nuts (v.) under nuts, adj.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 15: A young wife with one in the oven.at have a bun in the oven (v.) under oven, n.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 17: Taking a step back behind the doorstep in case the man was violent as well as schiz.at schizzy, adj.
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 37: It could never have fallen on the right side, so the argument goes, because that’s Sod’s Law.at sod’s law (n.) under sod, n.1
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth 29: At No. 75 she spent an hour with a fourteen-year-old physics whizz called Colin.at whiz, n.3
2001 Z. Smith White Teeth n.p.: ‘There’s shoes back here that need your attention,’ came a voice from the store room. ‘Keep your tits on,’ said Neena.at keep one’s tits (tied) on (v.) under tit, n.2