2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 4: Making me feel as stupid as a dumb-ass ghetto brother faced with quantum physics.at dumb-ass, adj.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 163: Six little green Aussies [...] Get your scissors, scales, and your bags .at Aussie, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 67: Red Eyes was buried six days later [...] All five of his baby mothers were there.at baby-mother (n.) under baby, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 102: I sensed that Noel had moved in close behind me. He had my back.at have someone’s back (v.) under back, n.1
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 102: Courtney was still bad-eying me, so I returned his glare with interest.at bad-eye, v.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 56: It couldn’t spoil the feeling I had, the feeling of being a badman.at bad man, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 56: If we do a banging again then we’ll pull on balaclavas.at banging, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 125: If you wanna get to first base with them bitches you have to chat about what kinda schools will your children go to.at first base, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 176: [...] where he shits, where he buys his fucking batty paper.at batty paper (n.) under batty, n.2
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 104: If any other non-Muslim girl was thinking about linking with the three beasts, would they obey Courtney, Milton and Adrian?at beast, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 8: I reckon quite a few bishops were choked in the boys’ toilets after her lessons. [Ibid.] 125: Men have choked their bishops so much ’cos of chicks like Akeisha that their dicks fall off.at bang one’s bishop (v.) under bishop, n.2
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 21: Do you wanna crack addict banging down your gates at some bitch time in the morning.at bitch, adj.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 58: ‘I ain’t your fucking boops!’ ‘What? You can’t even buy your girl a chicken and chips?’ [Ibid.] 99: I ain’t buying you shit! I ain’t no boops.at boops, n.
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 55: She just begged me for mercy but I just booted the bitch in her head.at boot, v.1
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 126: I still found it hard to believe that Noel and Priscilla had ever knocked the boots.at knock boots (with) (v.) under boots, n.4
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 44: Working in some shit supermarket and getting brushed by some pussy white man ’cos I’m five minutes late.at brush, v.3
2008 A. Wheatle Dirty South 10: I could just about get along with my life without Akeisha’s buff self invading my mind.at buff, adj.2