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[WI] (ref. to 1940s) L. Bennett Jamaica Labrish 223: mout-a-massi. blabber, chatterbox.
at mout-a-massi, n.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Tan a Yuh Yard’ in Jamaica Labrish 94: Ef backra even pos’ ticket / Come gi yuh, bwoy refuse it!
at backra, n.
[WI] (ref. to 1940s) L. Bennett Jamaica Labrish 223: jing-bang, good-for-nothing, ordinary.
at jing-bang, n.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Soap Vacation’ in Jamaica Labrish 87: Kingston full o’ dutty-putty! / All o’ we tun bangarang!
at bangarang, adj.
[WI] L. Bennett Jamaica Labrish 221: bans o’. a lot of.
at bans, n.
[WI] (con. 1947) L. Bennett ‘Big Tings’ in Jamaica Labrish 151: Parson get bex [sic] soh sey dem treat / Him like lickle pickney.
at bex, adj.
[WI] (con. 1947) L. Bennett ‘Big Tings’ in Jamaica Labrish 150: Big tings dah-happen a Council.
at big thing, n.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Mout Taxes’ in Jamaica Labrish 69: Bit-an-fip kean pay mout-taxes.
at bit, n.1
[WI] (ref. to 1940s) L. Bennett Jamaica Labrish 222: four-bit. one shilling and six pence.
at four-bit (n.) under bit, n.1
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Solja Bwoys’ in Jamaica Labrish 97: Go train up strong an fit, / Nice up yuh self, look boasify, / Galang go do yuh bit.
at boasie, adj.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Tan a Yuh Yard’ in Jamaica Labrish 93: Gwan do yuh lickle bolo job.
at bolo, adj.2
[WI] (ref. to 1940s) L. Bennett Jamaica Labrish 221: bongo, bungo. black-and-ugly.
at bongo, n.1
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Recruit’ in Jamaica Labrish 92: Ebery lickle boogooyagga bwoy / Dah-goh a ’Merica. [Ibid.] ‘Independence’ 170: Independance / Woulda never have a chance / Wid so much boogooyagga / Dah-expose dem ignorance. [Ibid.] ‘Cuss-Cuss’ 188: Yuh an yuh boogooyagga fren.
at buguyaga, adj.
[WI] L. Bennett ‘Dry Foot Bwoy’ in Jamaica Labrish 206: But as him chat-chat gwan / Me fine out sey is foreign twang.
at chat-chat, v.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Wat A Dickans’ in Jamaica Labrish 137: Good cigar, wappin perangles / Pop i’ gimme massa, cool!
at cool, adj.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Sir’ in Jamaica Labrish 148: For me tiard o’ de bus-fuss / An de cuss-cuss an abuse.
at cuss-cuss, n.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Praises’ in Jamaica Labrish 104: Dem gawn a shet-y’eye-lan.
at go to shut-eye land (v.) under shut-eye, n.1
[WI] (con. 1962) L. Bennett ‘Independance’ in Jamaica Labrish 169: Matty say it mean we facety.
at facety, adj.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Peaces’ in Jamaica Labrish 106: Faas-mout Edna clip yuh long tongue / Lie an back-bitin noh pay.
at fast mouth (adj.) under fast, adj.1
[WI] L. Bennett ‘Gay Paree’ in Jamaica Labrish 208: Dem amount so fenky-fenky / me kean even feas me y’eye.
at fenky-fenky, adj.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Mout Taxes’ Jamaica Labrish 69: An noh fegat de fip a week / Yuh get from Bungo Ward.
at fippence, n.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘De Royal Commotion’ in Jamaica Labrish 145: Hear Sally wid her fool-fool self.
at foo-foo, adj.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Sir’ in Jamaica Labrish 148: An de bans o’ long an foo-fool / Letta to de edita.
at foo-foo, adj.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Praises’ in Jamaica Labrish 99: Hear him – ‘Ah dat way bout yuh Hons / Ah hopes yuh goes fo’ me’.
at go for, v.1
[WI] (ref. to 1940s) L. Bennett Jamaica Labrish 222: gill. three farthings.
at gill, n.3
[WI] L. Bennett ‘Cuss-Cuss’ in Jamaica Labrish 188: Goh wey, yuh fava heng-pon-nail, / Is me yuh want fe trace?
at heng-pon-nail, n.
[WI] (con. 1962) L. Bennett ‘Independance’ in Jamaica Labrish 170: Jamaica start smoke pipe, ah hope / We got nuff Jackass Rope!
at jackass rope, n.
[WI] L. Bennett ‘Kas-Kas’ in Jamaica Labrish 187: Kas-Kas is the Jamaicanese for the pastime of rumour-mongering leading to accusations and counter accusations.
at kass kass, n.
[WI] (con. 1950s) L. Bennett ‘Free Movement’ in Jamaica Labrish 163: Dem leggo line an kick up shine / An call it Carnival!
at kick up, v.
[WI] (con. 1940s) L. Bennett ‘Candy Seller’ in Jamaica Labrish 28: Kiss me neck! One no mo’ farden bump she buy.
at kiss me neck! (excl.) under kiss, v.
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