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Barren Beaches of Hell choose

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[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 122: ‘Think you’ll get rotated now?’ ‘In a pig’s navel.’.
at in a pig’s arse! (excl.) under pig’s arse!, excl.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 41: ‘Got in a knife fight with a couple of pogey-bait Sixths.’ [...] ‘What’s the pogey-bait Sixth?’ Leeper asked. ‘Sixth Marines. No-good outfit.’.
at pogy bait, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 38: Haven’t you spent enough time in the clap shack?
at clap-shack (n.) under clap, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 225: ‘Don’t give me that guff. You’re not a corporal any more.’ ‘I don’t have to be a corporal to clean your clock.’.
at clean someone’s clock (v.) under clean, v.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 122: If your cobber runs this restaurant you’ll have it good.
at cobber, n.2
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 170: You gave me plenty of come-on at the dance.
at come-on, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 42: It’s my birthday, so a bunch of my cobbers is throwin’ a whing-ding.
at wing-ding, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 41: ‘Fair dinkum,’ Chick said.
at fair dinkum!, excl.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 255: I can still throw a doozy.
at doozie, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 39: ‘Gook money,’ Flynn grinned.
at gook, adj.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 38: I don’t take that from no half-pint pogey.
at half-pint, adj.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 225: I said knock it off, half-pint.
at half-pint, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 46: Want a woman? Your cobber’s jazzing the one I brought, but I’ll get her for you.
at jazz, v.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 225: ‘Oh stop bitchin,’ Salty said. ‘Make me, you pissed-out pfc.’.
at pissed out, adj.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 42: Well kiss my patootie.
at patootie, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 38: I don’t take that from no half-pint pogey.
at pogee, n.
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 193: It’s no skin off your testicles,’ Willy said.
at no skin off one’s balls under skin, n.1
[US] (con. WWII) B. Cochrell Barren Beaches of Hell 151: Why so touchy, sugar puss?
at sugar-baby (n.) under sugar, n.4
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