1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act V: [C]ome old fellow bring thy white Bears to the stake, and thy yellow gingle boys to the Bull-ring;—Father wherefore do you hang an arse so?at hang an arse under arse, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: Hold, let him alone you cross legg’d-hartichoak.at artichoke, n.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: Now this old Asse believing I said true / Comes with my Conscience, bids me advise.at ass, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act II: I’de hang this bacon-fac’d slave orethwart his shanks.at bacon-faced (adj.) under bacon, n.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: Look not on me, / Till you have found those that have Cony-catch’t you. [Ibid.] Act IV: Well on this condition you’ll teach me to cony, I am content to lye for you.at conycatch, v.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: This damb’d perpetual Rogue Swash, has kept me here in little ease of the bare ground. [Ibid.] IV: Surely it is a damn’d Magicion.at damned, adj.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: Cony-catcher? the Devill you are?at devil, the, phr.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act II: What is the matter with you? so feather-ey’d ye cannot let us passe in the King’s high way?at feather-headed, adj.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act I: Your nipper, your foyst, your rogue, your cheat, your pander, your any vile thing.at foist, n.2
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: No you Friday-fac’t-frying pan it was to save us all from whipping.at Friday face (n.) under Friday, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act I: Ha, ha, ha, gill, gill, gill, I have been ready to burst. Son pray thee tell me how thou laid’st this plot?at gill, n.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act V: Come ole fellow bring thy white Bears to the stake, and thy yellow gingle boys to the Bull-ring.at gingleboy, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: Farewell Snip, pray let’s see ye all at the Gallows, till when I bequeath this halter amongst ye, in token of my love, and so adue.at halter, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act I: He wo’d be your prigger, your prancer, your high-lawyer.at high lawyer, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: I do but stay here to talk 3 or 4 cold words in hugger-mugger with the Blind-beggars Daughter.at in hugger-mugger (adv.) under hugger-mugger, n.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: The Blind-Beggar of Bednall-Green has the prettiest Mother to his Daughter as a man need to lay his leg over.at lift a leg over (v.) under leg, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act II: I must keep company with none but a sort of Momes and Hoydens that know not chalk from cheese.at mome, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act I: Your nipper, your foyst, your rogue, your cheat, your pander, your any vile thing.at nipper, n.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: Strowd, y’are a Nit, a Slave, and a Pessant.at nit, n.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act I: This Tom Tawney coat here gulls me, make me your cheat, your gull, your strowd, your Norfolk Dumpling.at Norfolk dumpling (n.) under Norfolk, adj.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: can:Strowd, y’are a Nit, a Slave, and a Pessant. t. stro.: How a Fessant?at pheasant, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: You shall likewise see the amorous conceits and Love songs betwixt Captain Pod of Py-corner, and Mrs. Rump of Ram-alley.at pie, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: Gentlemen! as God mend me, a couple of arrant Cony-catchers as e’re pist. [Ibid.] V: I’ll give you leave to stick me up at the Court-gate for a Pissing-post, so will I.at piss, v.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act V: I’ll give you leave to stick me up at the Court-gate for a Pissing-post, so will I.at pissing post (n.) under piss, v.
?1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: Come then my mad Viragoes I have spent many a gray groat of honest swaggerers, and tear-Plackets in my daies that I never drunk for, and now I’ll turn swaggerer my self.at tear one’s placket (v.) under placket, n.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: O pox choke him for a slave hither our Country Franklins flockmeale swarme, / and John and Joane come marching arme in arme.at pox!, excl.
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: You shall likewise see the amorous conceits and Love songs betwixt Captain Pod of Py-corner, and Mrs. Rump of Ram-alley.at ram, v.1
1600 J. Day Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act IV: You shall likewise see the amorous conceits and Love songs betwixt Captain Pod of Py-corner, and Mrs. Rump of Ram-alley.at rump, n.