1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 1: animal — an athlete, especially one interested only in sports.at animal, n.1
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 1: bubblegum – light, unimportant, frivolous, unimaginative.at bubblegum, adj.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 1: burn for – to set all one’s energies towards one specific goal: He’ll begin to burn for exam after Thanksgiving.at burn, v.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 2: eat up – temporarily physically unattractive [...] Carol looked eat up and felt worse.at eat up, adj.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 2: freak out [...] I think Murray was freaked out when he saw me all dressed up.at freak out, v.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 1: brain is fried – showing incoherent behavior thought to be typical of someone with brain damage.at fry, v.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 6: take the gas – to fail in an important situation.at take the gas (v.) under gas, n.1
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 3: how’s it happening? – a greeting equivalent to Hi, how are you?at how’s it going?, phr.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 3: greaser – derogatory term for the Archie Bunker [i.e. white US working class] stereotype.at greaser, n.1
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 3: hassle – to cope with something troublesome.at hassle with (v.) under hassle, v.1
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 6: turnon [...] to become interested or excited by something.at turn on, v.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 6: weird out – to have a bizarre effect: That scene really weirded me out.at weird out, v.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 5: slick – physically attractive, cool (usually said by a female about a male).at slick, adj.
1972 Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 5: slide – easy; They tell me Health Ed 41 is a slide (course).at slide, n.