at blow with a French faggot-stick, n.
at indorse with a cudgel, v.
at break a leg, v.
at simper like a frumety-kettle, v.
at jack in a box, n.
at freeman of a corporation’s work, n.
at not give a damn, v.
at all a-mort, adj.
at bing a waste, v.
at wry mouth and a pissen pair of breeches, n.
at abram, n.
at abram, adj.
at sham abram, v.
at abram-man, n.
at abram-man, n.
at floating academy, n.
at academy, n.
at Campbell’s academy, n.
at Flemish account, n.
at within ambs-ace of under ambs-ace, n.
at adam tiler, n.
at Jack Adams, n.
at addle-plot, n.
at admiral of the blue (n.) under admiral of..., n.
at adrift, adj.
at affidavit man, n.
at after-clap, n.
at would I had Kemp’s shoes to throw after you, phr.
at aground, adj.
at Drury Lane ague, n.
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