Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Geronimo Rex choose

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[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 256: I’ll lay some kind of dent in that buckaroo hat for him.
at buckaroo, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 153: I am not so namby-pamby as not to mention the cooties.
at cootie, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 250: Let me get on my muff-diver goggles.
at muff-diver, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 193: These white walls [...] were looking too much like a hospital for sanctimonious one-eyed fuckers.
at one-eyed, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 194: What does that old farthook Silas do, by the way?
at fart-head (n.) under fart, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 242: ‘He said a fish-eater.’ [...] ‘Some use that as an epithet, against Catholics.’.
at fish-eater (n.) under fish, n.1
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 258: You want people touching you with a fucking stick?
at fuckstick (n.) under fuck, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 241: Six inches of black humping air! Have you smelled what’s coming out of there?
at humping, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 36: When ‘John was home’ the first time, that is, when she had her first menstrual period, she missed a day of school [...] she would say, ‘I was with John’.
at john, n.2
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 193: These white walls [...] were looking too much like a hospital for sanctimonious one-eyed fuckers, and for all the rest of you maggoty little finks.
at maggoty, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 253: I’ve been in med school.
at med, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 26: The old man fell into his study for about two weeks of fake mental hernia [...] and hollered at anybody who disturbed him.
at mental hernia (n.) under mental, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 35: You saw her totally nude and even her moss about five seconds before the strobe lights went out.
at moss, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 155: I’ve almost forgotten what the old pecker looks like.
at peckerwood, n.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 193: You ... shitbound cocksuckers.
at shitcanned, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 263: You haven’t ever been slimy around me before. Being tricky-devious on me.
at slimy, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 263: Those snappers out at the ninth grade that I practice-teach on.
at snapper, n.9
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 135: You can’t imagine how ... snorty you look holding those boxes to your breast.
at snorty, adj.
[US] B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 265: I wanted to reclaim myself from being the tick I was that night with her.
at tick, n.2
[US] W. Coleman in Geronimo 2:6 June 🌐 Bull! Bull! Having money is not synonymous with having power in this country given the nature of racism. That’s bullcorn!
at bullcorn (n.) under bull, n.6
[US] W. Coleman in Geronimo 2:6 June 🌐 Bull! Bull! Having money is not synonymous with having power in this country given the nature of racism. That’s bullcorn!
at bull!, excl.
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