1896 ‘Bound for india’ in Cabinet of Venus 99: I now played the royal game of push-pin in earnest and she joined me heart and soul.at play at push-pin (v.) under play (at)..., v.
1896 ‘Voluptuous Night’ in Cabinet of Venus 10: All glorious Coynte! through every age and clime, / Thou reignest omnipotent.at coynte, n.
1896 ‘Night in a Country House’ in Cabinet of Venus 69: With the assistance of what he called my home-made cream, he slowly pushed [...] until his weapon was buried to the hilt.at cream, n.1
1896 ‘Voluptuous Night’ in Cabinet of Venus 47: How delicious to feel their soft compressive rubbing against my dagger.at dagger, n.1
1896 ‘Confessions of a Virtuous Wife’ in Cabinet of Venus 303: Kissing and fondling his eggs as his yard worked in and out.at egg, n.1
1896 ‘Green Mask’ in Cabinet of Venus 267: This little game of French billiards, played with one cue, two balls and a pocket, having ended to the mutual satisfaction of the players.at French billiards (n.) under French, adj.
1896 Cabinet of Venus 322: Laying her quim up so he could gamahuche and futter at the same time.at futter, v.
1896 ‘Green Mask’ in Cabinet of Venus 293: Being only an inexperienced futterer, he naturally attributed the facility with which he went in to the prowess of his own prizzle [sic].at futter, v.
1896 ‘Science and Experience’ in Cabinet of Venus 113: Ladies [...] are often over 20 when they are first had .at had, adj.
1896 ‘Confessions of a Virtuous Wife’ in Cabinet of Venus 309: Suck and handle his lance as you please.at lance, n.
1896 ‘Green Mask’ in Cabinet of Venus 248: ‘You think me light, don’t you? I am an adulteress’.at light, adj.
1896 ‘Farmer’s Daughter’ in Cabinet of Venus 80: His staff was [...] on the lob, in a sort of ‘half cock’.at on the lob (adj.) under lob, n.3
1896 ‘Green Brougham’ in Cabinet of Venus 121: A tiny love of a lap-dog, hidden in the folds of her fur cloak.at love, n.
1896 ‘Night in a Country House’ in Cabinet of Venus 68: My left hand slowly feeling those marbles that hung down.at marbles, n.3
1896 ‘Confessions of a Virtuous Wife’ in Cabinet of Venus 298: Not having had a mount for three days [...] how I lay and throbbed with anticipation.at mount, n.
1896 ‘Voluptuous Night’ in Cabinet of Venus 34: Inch by inch of its firm, stiff, nervous substance was uncovered by her receding notch.at notch, n.1
1896 ‘Confessions of a Virtuous Wife’ in Cabinet of Venus 312: His fine young prickle must have been about eight inches.at prick, n.
1896 ‘Confessions of a Virtuous Wife’ in Cabinet of Venus 299: We tongued and gamahuched till we bit each other’s clitorises in frenzy.at tongue, v.
1896 ‘Confessions of a Virtuous Wife’ in Cabinet of Venus 299: I [...] gamahuched the dear jewel till at last you were obliged to touzle me.at touzle, v.
1896 ‘Night in a Country House’ in Cabinet of Venus 68: He pulled it out [...] it was the first weapon I had ever handled.at weapon, n.1