1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 17: She gave no credence to the filthy-arsed anarchos who chose to put themselves on the front line.at anarcho, n.
1998 N. Foyle ‘Star Pitch’ in Home Suspect Device 80: Rivers of blood poured from the weals that now peppered the bird-brained bottom’s badly bruised back.at bottom, n.3
1998 N. Foyle ‘Star Pitch’ in Home Suspect Device 83: The sooner she bunked off this sordid coil, the better, she figured.at bunk (off) (v.) under bunk, v.1
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 21: She was still buzzing from last night.at buzzing, adj.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 18: Chris guided the flat-bed lorry carrying half a dozen portable kazis into position.at carsey, n.
1998 Hilaire ‘Blind Date’ in Home Suspect Device 2: Fingertips brushed his arse cheeks, then a thick finger was drawn firmly down his crack.at crack, n.3
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 9: Getting up at sparrow’s fart would do him no good at all.at sparrow-fart, n.1
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 11: The seasons were fucked. The trees were dying. Cities were spreading like cancer.at fucked, adj.1
1998 T. Curtis ‘Suicide Note’ in Home Suspect Device 33: An old junkie friend had [...] attempted to sell me Temazepam and Valium.at junkie, adj.
1998 Neil Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 29: The knocked-up bitch smelled fantastic.at knocked up, adj.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 10: The mancs, scousers and fake-cockneys who all shouted about their roots.at Manc, n.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 18: Tina was far better suited to the flesh-pressing side of things.at press the flesh (v.) under press, v.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 8: Most of the promo work had been supplied on the never never.at promo, n.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 11: Dog and his mates were making a proper nuisance of themselves.at proper, adj.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 19: These shit-stains are [...] giving me a king-size headache with their fucking bongoes.at shitstain (n.) under shit, n.
1998 Neil Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ (in Home Suspect Device ) 30: Dreaming of revolutionary glory, skunked out of his brain.at skunked, adj.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 23: He was still uneasy about the soap-dodgers.at soap dodger (n.) under soap, n.1
1998 Neil Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ (in Home Suspect Device ) 8: He’d be up early attending to anything that needed sorting.at sort, v.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 9: The little spunker had kept him up all night.at spunker, n.1
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 29: Teri exposed her funky twat to Tina.at twat, n.
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 29: He fired one round into the guts of Duncan Oade, who shot his wad instantly.at shoot one’s wad (v.) under wad, n.3
1998 N. Palmer ‘Vegan Reich’ in Home Suspect Device 13: The second time he’d got wise and gone tooled-up.at get wise (to) (v.) under wise, adj.