1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 26: Have to go dam’ slow on that money or we’ll be up against it.at up against, phr.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 126: Have to get out of here [...] Man goes clean off his crumpet, arsing about a bally lonely hole like this all day with nothing to do.at arse about (v.) under arse, v.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 14: The bagman alone talked, guzzling rapidly in order to gabble while guzzling.at bagman, n.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 126: Have to get out of here [...] Man goes clean off his crumpet, arsing about a bally lonely hole like this all day with nothing to do.at bally, adv.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 74: I was so blanky tired I hardly heard the blanky trains go over it.at blanky, adj.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 195: ‘What do you mean by dippy?’ ‘What I mean, do her block in suddenly and flop all over a man.’.at do one’s block (v.) under block, n.1
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 22: Sixty navvies on the Springback deviation works, let alone eighty of these dole bugs to attend to.at dole-bludger, n.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 79: He was so puffing and fuming that he had to pull up for breath, and take his hat off to ease the smoking hot pressure of a brainstorm.at brainstorm (n.) under brain, n.1
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 232: With a cop on my taiI was a bit upset when I got to Miss Marley’s, and I bunged the truth straight to her.at bung, v.1
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 190: When things are absolutely bunged up, something unexpected turns up to put them right.at bunged up, adj.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 150: Not a bad old stick, but no notion of doing things properly [...] Food dumped out on a bare kitchen-table. Real bushwhacker style.at bushwhacker, n.1
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 114: I’d have it out with him, I would, the dirty Come-to-Jesus skinflint.at come-to-Jesus, adj.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 87: He shut up suddenly, corked up by a special item in his list of martydoms that squandered him to gloom.at cork up, v.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 210: You’re dotty, balmy, absolutely off your crumpet.at off one’s crumpet (adj.) under crumpet, n.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 81: What about that cigarette tobacco? I’m absolutely dotty for a smoke.at dotty, adj.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 183: Too dangerous. Mender’s dropped to it [...] They’ll be on the watch now.at drop to (v.) under drop, v.4
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 195: ‘How d’you mean flop-out?’ ‘Well, I mean, she suddenly lobbed over on me, giggling and gasping and hanging on to me.’.at flop out (v.) under flop, v.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 205: In a funking rage, Bradley snapped his traps together and picked up the canvas.at funk, n.2
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 68: By ginger, I’ve had a hell of a time.at by ginger! (excl.) under ginger, n.3
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 157: Well, it’s settled his hash too.at settle the hash (v.) under hash, n.1
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 85: I made up my mind then and there I’d hook it out of town that very night.at hook, v.1
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 105: He’d draw out the lot and go on a bender that landed him in the horrors.at horrors, the, n.
1938 N. Lindsay Age Of Consent 211: This is pretty tough, letting a man suddenly in for a knock out like this.at knock, n.1