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Whitey choose

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[SA] D. Muller Whitey 30: The old babalaasdop, the hair of the dog.
at babalaasdop under babalaas, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 21: ‘Such a bab-a-laas,’ he said [...] ‘My mommy will give you some of the blood of that dog that bit you last night.’.
at hair of the dog (that bit one), n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 108: It’s the vlam. I can smell you’ve been drinking the blue-ocean, ou pellie.
at blue ocean (n.) under blue, adj.1
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 99: ‘You mean navy sailors?’ ‘Yes, bluejackets.’.
at bluejacket, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 13: We smoked a whole arm of boom and drank-out a big can of vlam!
at boom, n.2
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 16: The magic of the jupe and the boomskuif was wearing thin.
at boom-skuif (n.) under boom, n.2
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 99: It will be cunt for all in die Kaap, tonight, and then in nine months’ time we’ll have more babies to look after.
at cunt, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 79: I would in fact, be Joe Dokes, a stalwart of society, a pillar of Suburbia with its shrunken intellectual horizon, its false morality and phoney propriety.
at joe doakes, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 37: ‘Djou forkkin’ gemors!’ he snapped.
at gemors, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 91: He could hear the voices of Boats and his gentoo [...] sudden giggles, the smacks of wet kisses.
at gentoo, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 62: He’ll be so gerook by this time that he probably won’t even recognise you.
at gerook, adj.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 108: ‘This one here’s a goffel.’ Boon jerked the blanket from the inert form [...] to reveal a dishevelled, tattered female.
at goffel, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 12: A couple of harries of jupe.
at harry, n.3
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 11: A grassy, treey, flowery place that was not at all like the usual gloomy places where the horries get at you when the booze has destroyed all the vitamins in your system, ... and the things come. [Ibid.] 61: They would give me a wallop of paraldehyde to knock me out and chase away the horries. [Ibid.] 191: You’ve got vlam horries, Whitey.
at horries, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 12: A couple of harries of jupe.
at jupe, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 84: Trust my luck to marry the only Kaaskop in the world who was not a tightwad.
at kaaskop, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 83: Git yesel’ a Khyber [...] A Khyber, ye thick pig! A Khyber Pass – a glass!
at Khyber (Pass), n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 14: ‘This Whitey is lekker psycho,’ the skolly said .
at lekker, adj.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 32: By this time the legal bottle-stores would be open, and the ‘mailers’ — the runners from shebeens big and small — would be at the counters, buying supplies for the long-week-end-thirst.
at mailer, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 83: ‘Hello, Whitey darling’ she said. [...] He caught the remark passed by her companion: ‘Sy moer, forrkin’; witgat’.
at jou moer! (excl.) under moer, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 21: You don’t look so good, witman.
at wit ou, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 16: The dagga zol was a three-out zol, and he drew it quick and long into his body.
at three-out, adj.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 108: The skolly’s face grew solemn with concern as he squatted down and peered closely. ‘You don’t look so good, ou pellie,’ said Boon. [...] It’s the vlam. I can smell you’ve been drinking the blue-ocean, ou pellie.
at pellie, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 20: He had not the mental energy to fabricate [...] a plausible yarn of how he had been robbed. ‘Nobody schoonered me,’ he said.
at schooner, v.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 32: Like all shebeen-keepers, she was necessarily tough and unbending.
at shebeen, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 90: T’little shitballs leaning out o’ they cockpits.
at shitball (n.) under shit, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 14: ‘This Whitey is lekker psycho,’ the skolly said.
at skolly, n.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 16: The shaven heads were thrust forward. ‘Skyf’, they said, ‘Smoke!’.
at skuif, v.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 44: ‘We know that you smokkel here!’ the cop snapped.
at smokkel, v.
[SA] D. Muller Whitey 20: Find a smokkelhuis and buy a bottle of cloudy shebeen wine. [Ibid.] 21: You seem to be suffering, ou Whitey [...] Maggy Aap’s piss, I suppose. That’s a bad smokkie. They never wash their bottles. [Ibid.] 23: It was a lulu of a shebeen — a jolly old smokkelhuis of five-star rating!
at smokkelhuis (n.) under smokkel, v.
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