2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 135: A couple of ass magazines he used for masturbation.at ass magazine (n.) under ass, n.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 103: [...] living with a no-ass straight-up fiend of a mother.at no-ass, adj.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 104: The preacher [...] called them slave chains, but that Bama was driving a Ford Taurus with duct tape on the bumper, so what could he know?at Bama, n.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 77: Lee had fathered a couple of children, what they called beef babies, [...] when he’d gone to the mattresses, Corleone-style.at beef baby (n.) under beef, n.2
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 204: Eddie Davis, up on PCP [...] When he was smoking that boat, Eddie felt as if he had the strength of ten men.at boat, n.1
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 150: Now it was an avenue of escape for those who wanted to book out on foot.at book, v.2
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 169: She was looking for a [...] bottom-feeder named Tyrone Meadows.at bottom feeder (n.) under bottom, n.3
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 107: Rico Miller kept his distance [...] He didn’t want to get burned.at burn, v.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 178: Nigel slid the cell phone across his desk. ‘And get rid of this burner.’.at burner, n.1
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 150: The pillars kept dealers and killers from doing their dirt where mothers walked and children played.at do dirt to someone (v.) under dirt, n.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 25: [of crack] Sittin’ around with a bunch of fiends, suckin’ on that glass dick.at fiend, n.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 191: I had a whole rack of foil in my pocket and took a felony charge.at foil, n.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 172: Meadows hit his cigarette [...] and French-inhaled.at French inhale (v.) under French, adj.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 103: He didn’t talking about [...] fucking dudes up, killing bitches in the bed.at fuck up, v.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 84: And you about to be aware that you fucked with the wrong man.at fuck with, v.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 83: Mark was keeping that pleasant half smile, that game face he used.at game face (n.) under game, n.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 119: A big man beside her [...] That would be Sherelle’s new George.at George, n.3
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 161: Maybe he can get up with me, he has the time.at get up with (v.) under get up, v.1
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 25: Sittin’ around with a bunch of fiends, suckin’ on that glass dick.at glass dick (n.) under glass, adj.
2005 G. Pelecanos Drama City 50: [...] gettin’ his grind on with some girl.at get one’s grind on (v.) under grind, n.