1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 46: Okay, you big, bad, motherfucking pimp, your ass is still hanging out so you got a lot of cooperating to do.at have one’s ass hanging (out) under ass, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 55: A favorite sport of a lot of patrol-car cops was called ‘nick the pimpmobile.’ Another dent or two on the blue-and-white didn’t make much difference.at blue-and-white (n.) under blue, adj.1
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 108: We wanna know what the blue pigs is gonna promise this time for givin’ some information. You always promisin’. Never deliverin’.at blue pig, n.2
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 596: His friends called him the Camel Driver, and he was, in fact Lebanese by descent.at camel-driver (n.) under camel, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 52: Vice raids had become as rare as hoedowns [...] You had to be running a S&M, B&D club catering to chickenhawks to qualify for a real raid anymore.at chicken-hawk, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 19: I could clap you with my fucking puppy in the right here and now. His puppy was the long barrell .45 [...] To clap was to shoot.at clap, v.2
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 99: We have a lot of shit to tie up before we make a collar.at collar, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 185: If Benny Schwartz wasn’t at his place, then he’d have crapped out. The police would find Schwartz before he did.at crap out, v.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 109: If I had my way all you worthless hoors could DOA.at d.o.a., v.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 128: They’re really third-degreeing every pusher and junkie they get their hands on.at third degree, v.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 16: The posses had started small, farming, importing, and distributing marijuana—gagga.at ganja, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 19: His puppy was the long-barrel .45, also called a yeng, a gong, or a tool.at gong, n.5
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 113: You got to watch out for the loony-toon hookers.at looney tune, adj.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 34: I’m the Man, man [...] A bitch ain’t nuthin’ without her Man [i.e. a pimp]. They too dumb to handle it [prostitution] themselves.at man, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 97: Bring us three mugs of that monkey piss you call beer.at monkey piss (n.) under monkey, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 61: How the motherfuck do a pimp’s girl get jealous, man?at motherfuck, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 118: The girl who had sold him the goddamn piece-of-shit air conditioner.at piece-of-shit, adj.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 91: If we bring in this perp legal-like, [...] we need a case for the DA.at perp, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 97: Bring us three mugs of that monkey piss you call beer.at monkey piss (n.) under piss, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 19: I could clap you with my fucking puppy in the right here and now. His puppy was the long-barrel .45, also called a yeng, a gong, or a tool.at puppy, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 34: Never got the clap, never got pregnant. Hardly ever got rounded up by the pussy posse.at pussy posse (n.) under pussy, n.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 137: Even if you do catch him [...] it’s going to be hard to hang a rap on him.at hang a rap on (v.) under rap, n.1
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 87: You don’t scare me one fucking bit. Not one fucking eensy-teensy bit.at teensie-weensie, adj.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 19: His puppy was the long-barrel .45, also called a yeng, a gong, or a tool.at tool, n.1
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 136: If that was the case the bad junk wouldn’t only be winding up in prosses.at wind up, v.
1975 N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 19: His puppy was the long-barrel .45, also called a yeng, a gong, or a tool.at yeng, n.
1998 M. Burgess Smack 34: My old dad’s eighty-two, he smokes like a chimney and he’s the colour of fag ash.at fag-ash (n.) under fag, n.3