1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fiiii: They be gay Barnikels, yet I see neuer the better.at barnacles, n.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Eiiii: I shal bumbaste you, you mocking knaue.at bumbaste, v.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Ciiii: Damon smatters as well as he of craftie Phylosophie, And can tourne Cat in the panne very pretily.at cat in (the) pan (n.) under cat, n.1
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Biiii: Master, iest no more with women in any wise, If you do, by cocke you are lyke to know the price.at cock, n.1
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Gi: Farewell cocke, before the Colier againe do vs seeke, Let vs into the Courte to parte the spoyle, share and share like.at cock, n.2
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fi: Away you cracke ropes, are you fighting at the Courte gate? at crack-rope (n.) under crack, v.2
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Biii: My credite is crackte where I am knowne.at cracked, adj.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fi: In faith Dutting Duttell, you wyll crye creake.at cry (a) crack (v.) under cry, v.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) iii: iacke: That Pope was a mery fellows, of whom folke talke so much. grimme: Had to be mery withal, had goulde enough in his hutch.at hutch, n.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fi: Here is a gaye worlde, Boyes now settes olde men to scoole, I sayd well enough, what Jacke sauce, thinkst cham a foole?at jack sauce (n.) under jack, n.1
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fi: James Christe, came euer from a Colier an aunswere so trimme?at Jesus!, excl.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Diii: Beleue her not she is a light Goddesse, she can laugh and lowre.at light, adj.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fii: In faith ere you go, I wyll make you a lobbe cocke.at lobcock, n.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Eiiii: For well I knew it was some madheded chylde That inuented this name, that the logheaded knaue might be begilde.at loggerhead, n.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fii: Wine, mary, that is welcome to Colliers.at marry!, excl.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Bi: car.: I was sombody, The kinge delighted in mee, now I am but a noddy [...] aris.: But I will not call you noddie, but only in iest.at noddy, n.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) 81: It scrapeth off a pimpell, to ease you of the Pippe.at pip, n.1
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Biii: A Pockes take these Maryner knaues.at pox take —! (excl.) under pox, n.1
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fii: A mery Harecoppe tis and a pleasant companion, A right courtier.at right, adv.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Eiiii: He is but a tame Ruffian, That can swere by his flaske [...] and Gods precious lady: And yet he will be beaten with a faggot stick.at ruffian, n.1
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Gi: Such lackies meake melacke, an halter beswenge them.at swing, v.
1567 R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Fi: Away you cracke ropes, are you fighting at the Courte gate? [...] I wyll swindge you both, what?at what?, phr.