1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 61: I reckon one sip’s more that e-bloody-nough.at bloody, adv.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 69: Was you in Brizzo when that Melbourne mob took it over? [...] 74: As in Brizzy?at Bris, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 35: You’d have a Buckley’s chance of gettin’ them to agree.at Buckley’s, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 94: I answered ‘Buggered if I know.’.at buggered if I know under buggered, adj.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 28: They built her in the wrong place [...] Way to buggery inland. Adelaide should be down at Victor Harbour.at to buggery (adv.) under buggery, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 16: Another bloke done up like a pox-doctor’s clerk.at done up like a pox doctor’s clerk under pox-doctor’s clerk, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 56: ‘What do we call them? Fours, sixes and eights’.at eight, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 22: A glass of vegetable juice—V8 or tomato—with ice, topped up with beer, and a few drops of tabasco [...] My wife calls it ‘Red Eye’.at red-eye, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 56: ‘What do we call them? Fours, sixes and eights’ .at four, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 38: One asks for a four ounce, a small beer, or a pot.at four, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 25: The keeper said, ‘Centre set. All set on the side?’.at get set (v.) under get, v.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 43: ‘Yeah, but you come from England. That’s gin’s piss country’.at gin’s piss (n.) under gin, n.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 69: ‘There’s nothing wrong with Bulimba - now, that is. [...] Green death, we called it. Because of the green handles on the pumps, see’.at green death (n.) under green, adj.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 85: Leave it to the Abos and the TI boys [...] Thursday Islanders. Mad bastards when they get a few grogs on.at grog, v.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 34: ‘There’s nothing better than a glass of the old icy cold before breakfast’.at ice cold (n.) under ice, n.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 33: Bloody oath. We grow the world’s best barley.at my bloody oath! (excl.) under my oath!, excl.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 39: He was perk from his eyebrows to his bloody toenails.at perked (adj.) under perk, n.2
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 42: There were three men [...] ‘Pervin’ on old Chloe, eh?’ one said.at perv on (v.) under perv, v.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 19: He takes a couple of swallows. ‘Strewth,’ he says. ‘Piss,’ he says.at piss, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 15: We got ponies, glasses, middies, an’ pots, see [...] Now a pony’s four ounces—.at pony, n.
1972 J O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 39: I had already learnt Melbourne glass sizes and nomenclature, so different from Adelaide. One asks for a four ounce, a small beer, or a pot. A request for a small beer produces seven ounces, and for a pot ten.at pot, n.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 57: ‘If I were to ask for a glass of beer, withut nominating the size, what would I get?’ ‘You’d get a six,’ she said.at six, n.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 85: Leave it to the Abos and the TI boys [...] Thursday Islanders. Mad bastards when they get a few grogs on.at T.I., n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 58: In the course of the conversation, over two more tens, I remarked on the fact that except for sugar, Tasmanian Breweries used all local raw ingredients.at ten, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 56: ‘We don’t have pots. What you want is a ten ounce.’.at ten, n.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 78: There are many ‘two-gun’ men in this northern State, who drink rum with a beer chaser, or vice versa.at two-gun man (n.) under two, adj.
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 72: ‘Stinkin’ bloody hot, she was. About a hundred an’ ten in the water bag’.at [X] in the water-bag under water, n.1
1972 J. O’Grady It’s Your Shout, Mate! 32: Come in [...] an’ wet your whistle.at wet one’s whistle (v.) under wet, v.