at muck-a-muck, adj.
at airhole, v.
at knock-down (and) drag-out, n.
at ass-wipe, n.
at get one’s ass handed to one (v.) under ass, n.
at ass-kisser, n.
at b-ball, n.
at balls, n.
at boob tube (n.) under boob, n.2
at bug, n.4
at bump, n.3
at bunkie, n.
at bury, v.
at capeesh, phr.
at Christ-killer (n.) under Christ, n.
at cig, n.
at club Fed, n.
at cooze, n.
at cop, n.1
at cut the crap, v.
at cuz, n.
at doily-head, n.
at domepiece (n.) under dome, n.
at down, adv.2
at fiend, v.
at fiend, v.
at fuckwad (n.) under fuck, n.
at star-fucker, n.
at from the git-go (adv.) under git-go, n.
at grill, n.1
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