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[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 30 Oct. 7/2: Get talking to some girl that you know (be her dog, ex, or just next door) who is with a hunk of spunk, and then with a few deft operations, you’re home again.
at hunk of spunk (n.) under spunk, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/2: ‘You shithead good for fuck-all-illiterate-prick’.
at fuck all, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/3: An important-looking fucker at the gates holds us up to warn us that we’re speeding (what’s it to you, captain cretin?).
at Captain Cretin, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/1: ‘What’ll it be, gentlemen?’‘Horsepiss in a bucket, fartface.’ Oh no, he [is] uncontrollable.
at fart-face, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/2: ‘All right, mother, just this once... what’s the fine, brainless?’‘Fine, sir?’‘Fee, damage, plunder, profit, cost, FUCKHEAD, COST’.
at fine, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/1: Ecstatic devotees wave bits of greenery and incense, chant stupidities, and grin like Cheshire Cats having orgasms at everyone clogging the exit corridor, getting sworn at stepped on fucked at yelled at kicked at all the time as patient as fuck, waiting for the Great Yellow Hope, Him, the Fucking Godhead.
at as fuck (adv.) under fuck, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/1: D.T. ‘Smackhead’ Pilgrim poured another schooner glass of Mascot International Terminal watered down slops all over his wrist and flies as he groped for the telephoto lens: ‘there’s the little fucker coming now’.
at fucker, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/2: ‘Your drinks, sir.’ Thanks. ‘Pay the man, fuckface’.
at fuckface, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/2: ‘All right, mother, just this once... what’s the fine, brainless?’ ‘Fine, sir?’ ‘Fee, damage, plunder, profit, cost, FUCKHEAD, COST’.
at fuckhead, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/2: xit God in chauffeur driven car, all fucking smiles, past rows of idiots with twenty metre grins of blessed fuckwitism on their fucking faces, waving flowers, singing hymns .
at fuckwittism (n.) under fuckwit, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/1: ‘You truds [sic], what the fuck’s the gin’s piss?’ .
at gin’s piss (n.) under gin, n.1
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/2: ‘We’ll be in touch with you, now piss off or you’ve had it...’‘Yes sir...’‘And don’t answer me back or I’ll have you two...’.
at have, v.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 26 Oct. 11/1: In 1856 gold was discovered, the word ‘slaphead’ was invented (people took racism a lot more seriously in those days and slaughtered non-Anglos en masse, now it’s just institutional).
at slap-head, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/1: ‘Shut up Sharkey, you’ve got the insects again...stop gibbering.’.
at have the insects (v.) under insect, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/3: [A] baldy-headed mother in his underwear in the passenger seat, looking back all the time, beside another, younger fucker with a five o’clock shadow on his head.
at mother, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov 28/3: [A]ll their mouths agape to catch the filthy fucker flies that fly between the Union shithouse cafeteria and the Union President’s white elephant alternative ripoff shithouse cafeteria.
at rip-off, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/1: Is he coming? Is he what. This sat sang is only for starters, honey. Step up to a fish-eye-glazed outie.
at outie, n.2
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 9 Mar. 9/1: [W]e do know that peeing there is lots of fun.
at pee, v.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/2: ‘What do you want, pigface?’ .
at pigface (n.) under pig, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov 28/3: Fuck this, we’ll go to the Windsor Castle to look at the blue or grey-rinse queers and all sorts of disk-jocks and freaks from the Paddington ratheap.
at rat heap (n.) under rat, n.1
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/2: A ratshit scraped and beat up green and white Renault pulls up outside the Fisher Library.
at ratshit, adj.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov 28/3: [A]nother, younger fucker with a five o’clock shadow on his head, who is a little scared of riding shotgun for God or whoever the fuck he is.
at ride shotgun (v.) under ride, v.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov 28/3: ‘[G]ive me a drag at least you roach-eating son of a bitch’.
at roach, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov 28/2: Exit lean streak of misery wearing shades and beer-stained Levis, unwashed dirty tee-shirt.
at shade, n.1
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/1: ‘Who do you think you are, shit face?’.
at shitface, n.1
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/2: ‘You shithead good for fuck-all-illiterate-prick’.
at shithead, adj.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/3: [A]ll their mouths agape to catch the filthy fucker flies that fly between the Union shithouse cafeteria and the Union President’s white elephant alternative ripoff shithouse cafeteria, the Wentworth.
at shithouse, adj.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 27/1: D.T. ‘Smackhead’ Pilgrim poured another schooner glass of Mascot International Terminal watered down slops all over his wrist.
at smack-head (n.) under smack, n.2
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/2: ‘[G]ive me a drag at least you roach-eating son of a bitch’.
at sonofabitch, n.
[Aus] Tharunka (Sydney) 8 May 5/4: If you don’t like the biggies (and every red blooded Aussie goes for the underdog) you might like to give a very little thought to the up and coming minor parties.
at biggie, n.
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